Did you know that heart attacks rank as the primary cause of mortality in the United States?
The surge in this ailment over recent years can be attributed to the rapid pace of life and unhealthy dietary patterns. Recognizing the indicators of heart failure well in advance, even up to a month prior, can prove immensely advantageous and potentially life-saving. Alongside adopting a healthy lifestyle and managing stress levels, this foresight can serve as a shield against heart failure.
Here are some signs to heed, as they may forewarn of an impending heart attack within a month, warranting serious attention:
Swollen Feet:
Congestive heart failure may impede the lower chambers of the heart’s ability to pump blood effectively, resulting in the accumulation of blood in the legs, ankles, and feet, leading to swelling.

Narrowing arteries can reduce blood supply to the heart, compelling it to work harder, culminating in pronounced tiredness and lethargy.
Shortness of Breath:
Diminished blood flow to the heart may entail insufficient oxygen supply to the lungs. Given their interconnectedness, difficulty in breathing could signal a looming medical emergency.
Constricted arteries hinder proper blood circulation, precipitating weakness in the body and elevating the risk of unforeseen falls.
Dizziness and Cold Sweats:
Inadequate blood circulation to the brain poses a grave threat to life, initially manifesting as dizziness and clamminess. These symptoms should never be dismissed lightly.
Chest Pressure:
Discomfort or pressure in the chest could herald the onset of a heart attack, with the sensation intensifying gradually until the actual event occurs.
Symptoms resembling Flu or Cold:
The sudden onset of flu-like symptoms might signify an imminent flu episode. Many individuals mistakenly attribute early cold symptoms to the flu’s onset.
Prompt medical intervention is imperative upon observing these symptoms, whether in yourself or others. Early detection plays a pivotal role in averting a heart attack.
Dr. Travis Stork’s Insights on Heart Attack Symptoms
Heart Attack Cough (Self Aid) Demonstration
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Wife shares heartbreaking message after husband

Wednesday, March 27, saw the start of recovery operations in Maryland as searchers continued to look for the six people who were thought to have died following the terrible fall of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge.
A 985-foot-long tanker collided with the bridge early on Tuesday, sending parts of it tumbling into the Patapsco River. Six construction workers from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador were listed as missing, according to CNN.
The US Coast Guard, however, has now said that it will halt its extensive search and rescue operation after coming to the conclusion that the men have passed away.
Miguel Luna, 49, a husband and father of three who was born in El Salvador and has lived in Maryland for almost 20 years, was one of the people identified. When the bridge collapsed, Luna was among the workers assigned to fix its potholes, as the BBC reported.

While ongoing recovery attempts continued, Miguel Luna’s wife, María del Carmen Castellón, voiced her sadness and the family eagerly awaited news.
They merely advise us to wait and that they are unable to provide us any information at this time. We are inconsolable because we don’t know if they have already saved them and our hearts are torn. In an interview with Telemundo 44, Maria bemoaned, “We’re just waiting to hear any news.”
Among the workers who went missing was Maynor Yassir Suazo Sandoval, 38, who was also identified as a victim. Maynor, a married father of an 18-year-old son and a 5-year-old daughter, was originally from Honduras. His brother Martin Suazo stated that he had lived in the United States for almost eighteen years.

The fall occurred early on Tuesday morning while the six workers—including Maynor—were working on fixing potholes on the bridge. They worked for a nearby firm called Brawner Builders, which maintains bridges in Maryland.
Senior executive Jeffrey Pritzker of Brawner Builders emphasized the company’s dedication to safety while expressing deep dismay at the incident’s unexpected nature.
Jeffrey said, “This was so completely unforeseen.” “We’re at a loss for words. We have cones, signs, lighting, barriers, and flaggers because we take such great interest in maintaining safety. However, we never anticipated that the bridge would fall.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those who are missing and thought to be deceased.
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