Unlock The Mystical Power Of An Antique Relic

The prospect of finding something new is one of the most thrilling aspects of moving into an old house.

Many interesting items have been discovered by people concealed in their attics, basements, walls, or floorboards. One peculiar antique artifact was discovered in a 100-year-old house.

An antique marble razor blade sharpener that defies expectation in

Confused with a Toy

Based on its appearance, this antique relic looks like a popular children’s toy from the 1960s and 1970s. Some have mistaken it for “Clackers.” As a result, there has been much discussion regarding the object’s true origins. But the clackers were constructed out of plastic acrylic balls and string. In the meantime, the old artifact is made up of two glass marbles with a steel rod and a wooden or metal base.

What then is the purpose of the antique razor blade sharpener? As implied by the name, it was a razor blade sharpening tool in the 1930s. Although not much appears to be known about the antique relic’s past, its elaborate design demonstrates the skill with which handcrafted items were made at the period. A lovely reminder of things we don’t see very often these days.

There are many different ways that shaving has been done throughout history. From shark teeth and clam shells to bulky metal items packaged in cute little kits to disposable 4-5 bladed razors and electric razors, razors have evolved over time. Today, the majority of men and women engage in what was formerly considered a status and wealth symbol.

Shaving’s origins can be traced back to at least 4000 BCE, according to historians. In fact, shaving with sharpened flint and shells has been depicted in cave paintings. Furthermore, razors made of copper and solid gold have been discovered in Egyptian tombs.

As shaving has gained popularity, innovative designs have added more blades to a single razor, implementing designs for safety and precision.

Filling an Important Role

The vintage marble razor blade is still a very useful and stylish tool to have around, despite its apparent obsolescence. These days, they are still useful for honing knives and straight-edged razors.

In addition to being extremely simple to use, the razor sharpener maintains its polish throughout, providing an even sharpening, in contrast to modern sharpeners that can also become jagged and prickly. To keep knives and razors sharp, just run the blade between the two marbles a few times.

Remarkably, historians and antique collectors who value the skillfully made implements of the past also find great appeal in this relic. Many Reddit users have reported finding the vintage marble razor blade sharpener in old boxes in the garage, among other places, despite the paucity of information available. Many have inquired about it and received informative—if not occasionally humorous—answers.

I knew this one! My grandfather told me stories of selling these door to door when he was young during the Great Depression. They don’t really work at all, but he said he would have a new blade palmed and ask the customer for one of their old blades to demonstrate – he’d swap in the fresh blade to show what a good job it did, and then take off quick after a sale!” One commented.

“It’s called a Kenberry blade sharpener. this is the only image i can find that proves that. they didn’t work that well, so a bunch of people had them laying around and put it to different uses.” Said another.

Meanwhile, someone suggested another possible use for the tool. “Not a razor blade sharpener. It is a holder for a dish towel. It goes on a cabinet handle. The towel slides in and out very easily. This one was my grandmother’s. She sold them in her grocery store back in the 60’s. (next to the dish towels.)”

Given how old the tool is, it might be challenging to determine its precise function. In any case, it’s a stunning work of handcrafted history that, if nothing else, is a fascinating conversation starter.


Barbra Streisand and her husband, James Brolin, are celebrating 26 years of marriage in the home where their love story truly came together. The journey to acquiring their dream home was anything but simple—it took them 11 years to finally buy it.

At 82, Barbra Streisand, the legendary performer, and her 83-year-old actor husband, James Brolin, have enjoyed many years of happiness in their beloved home. The couple, along with their dogs, have created countless memories there. Their dedication and perseverance paid off, making their home a symbol of their enduring love and commitment.

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Barbra Streisand first laid eyes on the house when she was living nearby. At the time, she couldn’t make the purchase because her boyfriend didn’t like it, and she also wasn’t able to afford it.

YouTube/The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Now, Barbra Streisand and James Brolin live in the dream home that took 11 years to buy. They recently celebrated their 26th wedding anniversary on July 1 in this special place. Streisand shared a sweet photo on Instagram, showing the couple in a side embrace. Her caption read, “28 years today since we met honey… and 26 years today since we married! Love you.

Their Maltese poodles, Scarlet, Violet, and Fanny, are clearly a cherished part of their family. Streisand’s Instagram posts of their birthdays must be adorable! It sounds like their home is filled with love and joy.

In 1984, while living on a ranch down the road, Barbra Streisand first laid eyes on her dream home. At the time, she wasn’t thrilled with her current house, so her real estate broker showed her a place closer to the ocean. This home would later become the one she and James Brolin would spend many cherished years in, despite the long journey to finally owning it.

Streisand noted that the house’s facade wasn’t particularly impressive, describing it as modern gray and somewhat like a “contraption.” However, upon entering, she was pleasantly surprised by its “rustic charm,” which won her over despite its outward appearance.

YouTube/The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

The Broadway star fell in love with the house right away and wanted to buy it. However, it wasn’t possible at that time, and she had to wait several more years before she could finally make it her home.

At that time, Streisand owned the ranch she had been staying on. Her manager advised her that she wouldn’t be able to afford the dream home until she sold the ranch.

Streisand also revealed that her boyfriend at the time thought the house was too close to the cliff where it was situated. She decided not to purchase it, but she admitted, “I was so forlorn when I found out that it was sold to someone else, and they had started renovating it.”

YouTube/CBS Sunday Morning

Streisand’s affection for the house didn’t diminish over time. In fact, she continued to dream about it and couldn’t shake the feeling of longing. She admitted that she had a deep emotional connection to the home she couldn’t buy.

However, some years later, her luck turned around when the couple who owned the house kept her in mind as they got ready to move.

Years later, Streisand’s luck changed. The couple who owned the house remembered her as they prepared to move out, and this gave her another chance at the dream home she had always wanted.

Barbra Streisand was so in love with her dream house that she bought a home one house away just to be close to it. She even became friends with the elderly couple living between her current home and the dream house.

When the couple moved away, Streisand bought their house too. She planned to combine both properties into one large house on the two-acre land.

Finally, fate was on her side. The couple who owned her dream home divorced and lowered the price. Streisand was able to buy the house in 1995 and was thrilled. She was relieved not to have to build a new house or deal with lots of details.

Since then, Streisand has turned her dream home into a beautiful place, celebrating its craftsmanship and making it a special part of her life for nearly 30 years.

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The house is set on a big piece of land with beautiful green lawns. An aerial view shows the spacious garden and the pool in front of the house, which faces the ocean. The driveway is located at the back of the house.

To design the interior of her home, Streisand looked at many books and drew inspiration from things she saw while traveling. She really enjoyed this process.

She also added streams to the landscape because she finds water very calming. Streisand wanted a barn because she loves how they are a key part of American culture. Inside her barn, she has hens that lay green eggs.

YouTube/The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Streisand and Brolin met in 1996 when they were 54 and 56 years old. Both had children from previous marriages and blended their families together. They got married two years after they first met.

Now that they’ve been married for 26 years and their kids are grown and out of the house, Streisand and Brolin are enjoying a new phase in their lives: being grandparents.

Streisand and Brolin have grandchildren from their adult children, and they always welcome them to spend time in their loving home.

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