The spouses wanted to adopt cat, so they picked the saddest and most unhappy cat out of all of them: Within hours, the cheerful animal underwent incredible transformation!

Introducing BenBen, widely regarded as the internet’s most poignant feline story.

BenBen faced a bleak future in a shelter, his journey marred by a fractured back, severe cuts, and a damaged ear, a testament to his harrowing ordeal.

It appeared BenBen had encountered a larger animal, leaving him in a dire state. Shelter staff observed him withdrawn, not eating or moving much, resigned to his fate.

Fortunately, a compassionate veterinary worker intervened, offering BenBen a lifeline. The transformation was nothing short of astonishing.

Within hours of arriving at his new abode, BenBen underwent a remarkable shift.

He began purring, smiling, and seeking affection, a clear indication of gratitude and newfound comfort. It seemed he finally realized he was safe and loved, embracing his second chance wholeheartedly.

Against medical predictions, BenBen not only regained mobility but also started running and jumping with joy. Despite ongoing medical needs, BenBen’s demeanor transformed from the most desolate to the most content cat imaginable.

Credit goes to the dedicated individuals who refused to give up on BenBen, ensuring he not only survived but thrived. His story stands as a testament to resilience and the transformative power of compassion.

Things That Clog Your Pores And Cause Acne

Acne is a skin problem that affects about 90% of people during their life. There are many reasons why acne appears.

However, some things we might never have thought would cause acne actually do, and we might not even know it.

Viral Strange has collected 7 things that can cause pore-clogging and acne appearance.

Pores: We’ve all got these tiny openings in our skin for releasing sweat and oil, but for some people, they can be more temperamental than others. Or, rather, clogged pores happen more often to some of us than others. Clogged pores happen when oil doesn’t or can’t flow through them as it should, explains board-certified dermatologist Geeta Yadav, MD. “Typically, this is caused by the overproduction of oil that then becomes trapped by dead cells that haven’t properly shed from the lining of the pore. Makeup, dirt, and/or comedogenic ingredients can also block the pore, and prevent that flow of oil through it,” she says.

Comedogenic is essentially a word for pore-clogging, and while these types of ingredients aren’t the sole cause of acne and breakouts—there are several factors—they certainly won’t help the situation. “Pore-clogging ingredients make it much more likely that pimples will form,” says board-certified dermatologist Rachel Nazarian, MD. “In someone who has naturally oily skin or who harbors the bacteria that causes acne, using these ingredients is like adding gas to the fire. It’s a dangerous combination that can exacerbate acne and cause consistent breakouts.”

Coconut Oil
All three dermatologists we spoke with called out coconut oil as a common offender. “While it has a variety of health benefits, it’s highly comedogenic, especially when applied on the the face,” Palm explains. “Because it isn’t easily absorbed [into] the skin, it can trap bacteria and dead skin cells, making it detrimental for those who are acne-prone.”

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