Shania Twain: A Pop Star Who Overcame Adversity

The well-known Canadian singer-songwriter and best-selling female country music performer Shania Twain has an incredible tale of overcoming hardship. One of the numerous hardships she faced as a child growing up in a low-income environment was going to bed hungry. Even though she still views herself as lucky, she is now using her success to change the world.

At an early age, Twain started his path to fame. When she was eight years old, she began working at bars to support her family financially. Twain had a rough upbringing, but he has shown incredible resiliency and perseverance.

Twain suffered domestic abuse at the hands of her mother and stepfather when she was a small child. She said that her stepfather’s mindset was akin to that of Jekyll and Hyde, which made her childhood particularly difficult. Her family was often struggling financially as well; they frequently lacked the funds for basic expenses like food and rent.

Twain remembers the agony of starvation she had in school as well as the embarrassment she suffered due to her insufficient food intake. She was in a terrible condition, but she was too conceited to ask for help. She learned the value of strength and character development from this early fight.Throughout her life, Twain encountered numerous challenges, but she resisted letting them define who she was. She feels that her will to overcome her traumas and tribulations defines who she is, not the suffering and agony she went through. Twain became the strong woman she is now because of her tenacity and refusal to feel guilty about her upbringing.

When Twain’s mother and stepfather perished in an automobile accident, tragedy rocked her world. She gave up her dream of being a singer to support her younger brothers. But destiny had other ideas for her.

Twain was able to pursue a prosperous singing career because of her talent and perseverance. She has received several honors and recognitions, making her one of the most well-known musicians of all time. Many people have found inspiration in her incredible story.

Twain gives back these days by using her position and celebrity. She feeds underprivileged children and gives them a loving, safe atmosphere through her nonprofit initiative, Shania Kids Can. Twain has always been motivated to feed the underprivileged by her desire to positively impact the lives of others going through similar struggles to her own.

Twain, who lives with her family on a farm near Las Vegas, believes that she is lucky and gives thanks to God for her present situation. Despite having a challenging background, she overcome many obstacles to achieve incredible achievements and inspire hope in others.

The example set by Shania Twain’s life is the value of tenacity and using achievement for the benefit of society. Her story serves as an example for all of us, showing that we can overcome any challenge if we are nice and persistent.

Dad gets massively shamed for putting leashes on his 5-year-old quintuplets

Raising children these days can be a task on its own. Young parents don’t just have to hear opinions from family members but also have to put up with random strangers on the internet commenting on their parenting methods.

Jordan Driskell is a young father of five quintuplets. His quintuplets happen to be 5 years old. As you can imagine, looking after 5 children who are the same age can be quite taxing. Especially at 5-years-old when a child is curious and likes to explore.

31-year-old dad, Jordan Driskell decided to find a creative solution to his problem. He bought leashes meant for children to control his rambunctuous little kids when they are in public together.

In the past, Driskell had a 6-seat stroller that they used for their big family. However, that grew tiresome very quickly because the kids would be bothered when inside it. The stroller was also incredibly inconvenient to take anywhere.

This helps the little kids get to wander and explore their surroundings when the family goes out without their dad losing sight or control of them and hence keep them safe!

Driskell posted a video of the family’s outing to the acquarium that caused a lot of negative feedback directed towards the parents. The video of the kids on leashes went viral with over 3 million views. Hundreds of people commented about how the children were not animals and hence should not have been leashed.

Others commented, “If you can’t manage the pressure, don’t have so many kids.”

Other offered disdain masked as advice, “Can’t you just properly train your children?” Discuss to them why fleeing is risky.”

Dr. Deborah Gilboa, an expert in parenting and adolescent development had a different opinion. She does not think a leash will make your child think they are an animal. And if the alternative to a leash is to stay at home, then of course, the leash is a much better option!

Dr. Gilboa said a leash is a great tool for younger children or neuro-diverse children to be controlled in a public environment. However, she said that if a neurotypical child is not off a leash by the age of eight and nine, and hence has not developed their listening skills, that might be troublesome.

By then, parents should be able to effectively communicate with children verbally instead of relying on tools like leashes.

Parents should have the freedom to parent the way they want without facing unneccesary judgement from society.

What do you think of children on leashes in public? Let us know in the comments below. Share this article with friends and family to know what they think as well!

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