Calling someone “fat” can be a hurtful insult. But why is that?
This question came up when a mother named Allison shared her story about a recent swimming trip with her children. When her daughter called her fat, 30-year-old Allison had a clever response, and her message is now spreading quickly online.
Allison Kimmey began dieting when she was just 14 years old. She managed to stay at a size two to four through graduate school, but it was tough, and she wasn’t happy. Three years ago, at age 27, Allison reached a size eight and realized she would be much happier if she stopped fighting against her weight gain.
To motivate herself, Allison started an Instagram account, @allisonkimmey, where she shares pictures and inspirational messages. Her body positivity spreads joy and encourages her followers, but her important message doesn’t always reach everyone.
**Me:** “Actually, everyone, every single person in the world has fat. But each of us has different amounts.”
**Her brother:** “Oh right! I have some to protect my big muscles! But you have more than me.”
**Me:** “Yes, that’s true. Some people have a lot, and others don’t have much. But that doesn’t mean one person is better than the other. Do you both understand?”

**Both:** “Yes, mama.”
**Me:** “So can you repeat what I said?”
**Them:** “Yes! I shouldn’t say someone is fat because you can’t just be fat, but everyone HAS fat, and it’s okay to have different fat.”
**Me:** “Exactly right!”
Not only did Allison want to teach her children how to talk to others, but she also felt it was important to spread the message that everyone is equal, no matter their body shape. Now, her post on Instagram has gone viral.
“If I shame my children for saying it, then I’m proving that it’s an insulting word and continuing the stigma that being fat is unworthy, gross, comical, and undesirable,” writes Allison.
Avoid leaving your charger plugged in without your phone: Here are the top 3 reasons why
Always Unplug Your Charger When Not in Use: Here Are 3 Important Reasons
Many of us have the habit of leaving chargers plugged in after our devices are fully charged, but there are some hidden risks with this practice that you might not know. Here’s why unplugging chargers is important:
Risks of Leaving Chargers Plugged In
- Constant Power Drain: Even when not actively charging, a plugged-in charger uses a small amount of power. Although this “vampire energy” consumption seems minor, it adds up over time, increasing your electricity bill and contributing to energy waste.
- Overheating Risk: Leaving a charger continuously connected can cause it to overheat. This heat buildup can gradually damage internal components, like capacitors, shortening the charger’s lifespan.
- Fire Hazard: Though uncommon, plugged-in chargers can become a fire risk, especially if a power surge causes them to overheat. In rare cases, this may lead to smoking or even ignition, posing a serious fire hazard.
- Electrical Safety Concerns: Exposed cords of constantly plugged-in chargers can be a risk in homes with young children or pets, where chewing or tampering could lead to electric shock.

Safety Tips
- Unplug When Not in Use: Avoid leaving chargers in outlets when not charging to reduce power waste and lower overheating risk.
- Inspect Regularly: Check your chargers for wear or damage, replacing them as needed.
- Keep Out of Reach: Ensure chargers are stored safely, away from children and pets, to prevent accidents.
Taking these simple steps can enhance home safety and extend the life of your chargers. Share these tips with friends and family to help keep everyone safe.
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