Graduation: A Celebration for All

Imagine the excitement of graduating college and having Jerry Seinfeld as your commencement speaker. For most Duke graduates, it was an incredible moment. However, some chose to walk out during his address simply because he is a Jewish comedian. This protest was ironic, as they missed a unique opportunity to hear from a famous actor critical of left-wing, politically correct nonsense.

The majority of students cheered for Seinfeld. Walking out on such an event was seen by many as silly and disrespectful. Even if you don’t find him funny, it’s important to respect your college and fellow graduates. Graduation is a celebration for everyone, not just a small group of protesters.

By walking out, the protesters not only ruined their own experience but also disrupted the ceremony for others. All because they didn’t like the speaker? After years of hard work, the least they could do is stay for an hour and contribute to making the ceremony special for everyone.

Why Barbara Streisand and Whoopi may leave America?!

Famous singer and actor Barbra Streisand has stated again that she will leave the country if a particular political candidate wins the president. Streisand, who strongly supported Hillary Clinton in 2016, voiced her displeasure with the current administration and her hesitation to stay in the nation under such leadership in a recent interview with Stephen Colbert on “The Late Show.”

Colbert questioned Streisand about possible places to relocate should she want to leave the country throughout the conversation. In a nonchalant tone, Streisand said, “Probably England, I like England.” She had previously expressed her desire to go to Canada or another nation in the event that the same candidate was elected president in 2016. So, this emotion is not wholly new.

Like many other celebrities, Streisand decided to remain in the United States after the 2016 election, despite her prior promise to leave the nation if the candidate won. After the election results, Cher, Bryan Cranston, and Amy Schumer—among other well-known people—made similar vows but chose to stay in the nation.

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