During a sermon a pastor announced…

Keeping a marriage strong can sometimes feel like navigating a maze of complexities. But let’s lighten the mood with a joke that offers a humorous take on the dynamics between husbands and wives.

Picture this: a preacher, during his sermon, drops a zinger. He says: “If you know your wife is calling the shots, shift to the left”.

Now, here’s where it gets amusing. Every man in the congregation, save one, swiftly shuffles to the left. The preacher, seeing this, can’t help but feel a sense of relief that there’s at least one man who’s not under the thumb of his wife.

So, he decides to investigate, asking the lone ranger: “How come your wife isn’t pulling your strings like the rest?”

With a serene smile, the man replies: “Simple. My wife told me not to budge”.

She plays dead on the road – when I understand why my heart is filled with warmth

When Amanda heard of Bear, an abandoned, lost dog in the mountains of Evan’s Creek, she decided to act immediately.

Together with her friend Dylan, they set out to try to locate the lonely dog.

For over an hour, Amanda and Dylan tried to coax Bear using food and treats – but their plan failed. 

The next day when they returned, they spotted Bear in the same area. They again tried to coax him to get closer so they could help him, but in vain.

That’s when the girls got, to say the least, a very creative idea.

They decided that Amanda would lay down and ‘play dead’, acting as if she were in need of help.

Said and done: The next day, Amanda lay down on the ground in the area they she suspected Bear was.

And what happened two hours later has filled thousands of animals friends’ hearts with warmth.

It all began when a driver spotted a dog at a campsite in Evans Creek, Washington State.

The dog looked both scared and malnourished. The dog got aggressive when the driver tried to approach him.

A few days later, a girl named Amanda got wind of the wild dog, known as Bear.

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