Despite her husband’s repeated requests, this woman hasn’t had a haircut in 25 years

There comes a time in life when we feel the urge to change something about our appearance. Whether it is the dull hairstyle we’ve had for years or the clothes we got tired of, a little change is always refreshing.

A woman named Rosa Ramirez from the United States felt it was just a time for such a change after not having had a haircut in 25 years. Her hair grew so long that she sometimes stepped on it.

Over the years, her husband tried to convince her to change her hairstyle, but she refused to do that as she was very proud of her 1.5 meters long hair.

After 25 long years, she finally decided it was enough so she went to a hairdresser together with some of her friends and had her hair cut up to her shoulders. But she did that with a purpose. Rosa donated 4 feet of hair to the non-profit organization Locks of Love that makes wigs for children who lost their hair to cancer.

Rosa’s transformation is so worth watching. You can check it out in the video below.

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She really got served by the Congressman : ‘You Lied Multiple Times’ – watch it here

Florida Republican Rep. Byron Donalds did not mince words when it came to twice-failed Democratic presidentiaI candidate and former first lady Hillary Clinton after she described members of his party as being in a “cult.”

How do you feel about being told you’re in a cult? Donalds was asked during a recent appearance on CNN.

I stopped caring about what Hillary Clinton had to say Iong ago because she lost a long, long time ago, Donalds replied. “And she’s largely irrelevant as far as I’m concerned. But to a broader level, since Hillary wants to engage, allow me to engage.

You lied multiple times, you destroyed emails, you destroyed evidence, and then you laundered phony information that you knew was phony into the intelligence community because you were scared you were going to lose, Donalds went on. You did all this, and you still lost, so I’m not going to listen to Hillary Clinton about who I shouId and should not support.

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