Crocodiles push stray dog to safety after it falls into danger-filled river

Scientists believe rare rescue is a sign that the fearsome reptiles may be capable of compassion

In an apparent example of interspecies compassion, a group of crocodiles appeared to usher a dog to safety after it fell into a dangerous river.

The dog, believed to be a stray, was being chased by a pack of other feral canines when it jumped into the River Savirtri in India out of harm’s way, or so it thought.

But the river was infested by local mugger crocodiles, and three of them were floating near the stray.

This should have been the end of the helpless pup, with the crocs being “well within the striking range,” according to a report published by scientists in the Journal of Threatening Taxa.

However, the crocodiles appeared to usher the dog back to safety on the shore.

“These crocodiles were actually touching the dog with their snouts and nudging it to move further for a safe ascent on the bank and eventually escape,” the researchers wrote.

“The muggers were well within the striking range and could have easily devoured the dog, yet none of them attacked and instead chose to nudge it towards the bank, implying that the hunger drive was absent.”

The researchers say that the crocodiles were “docile”. Adult male mugger crocs can reach 18 feet long and weigh up to 1,000 pounds, according to the Wildlife Institute of India.

The researchers said they believe that the pup rescue could be a sign of the crocs having emotional intelligence.

“The curious case of a dog ‘rescued’ by the group of crocodiles reported here seems more on lines of empathy than altruistic behaviour,” the scientists said.

Aside from the muggers’ apparent alliance with stray dogs, scientists discovered another wholesome obsession that the crocs appeared to have: marigold flowers.

Crocodiles are often seen floating or laying in marigolds, often keeping “physical contact” with the yellow flowers, which the researchers note have compounds that can protect skin from fungi and bacteria.

The Savitri River is polluted with sewage and other harmful ingredients, so this may be why they like to have contact with the petals.

A viral video showing the heartbreaking abandonment of a puppy profoundly moved a kind guy. He was motivated to act by his sympathy and set out on a search and rescue expedition for the mistreated dog

In a heartwarming twist of fate, a viral video that initially showcased the heartbreaking abandonment of a helpless dog on a roadside has now transformed into a story of hope and compassion, all thanks to the actions of one compassionate individual. This inspiring tale unfolded in the serene town of Itabira, Brazil, where a vigilant cyclist stumbled upon a small, distressed brown and white dog.

The person who captured this heart-wrenching scene initially found herself unable to take the dog with her, prompting her to rush home to retrieve her car. However, upon her return, the puppy had mysteriously disappeared, despite her relentless search efforts. Filled with deep concern and haunted by the image of the abandoned dog, she decided to share the video on Facebook, accompanied by a heartfelt comment expressing her fears for the dog’s welfare.

The video’s narra tor shared, “Ladies and gentlemen, this little puppy here has become the center of attention in Itabira, all thanks to this viral video. His story touched our hearts profoundly, compelling us to take immediate action. Presently, he is under our loving care, and we’ve provided him with nourishment and essential supplies. Now, he eagerly awaits a name, one that sets him apart from the rest.”

According to a local news outlet, the family that rescued the puppy is now actively seeking suggestions for his name. Among the options, including Pietro, Einstein, and Xerebebeu, “Pietro” has emerged as the most popular choice in recent polls.

What began as a heartbreaking story has now culminated in a heartwarming resolution, thanks to the compassion of an observant witness and the unwavering determination of a kind-hearted man who stepped in to save the dog. We encourage you to share this uplifting tale of dog rescue with your loved ones, as it serves as a reminder of the enduring power of hope and compassion in our world.

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