Barbara Eden, a beloved Hollywood icon, defies age and embraces life

Incredibly beautiful Barbara Eden is 92 and we can all agree that she looks like she hasn’t aged a day. The I Dream of Jeannie star is as stunning as ever and we couldn’t help but share her recent photos of her with you.

Barbara Eden was born Barbara Jean Morehead on August 23, 1931. Her first public performance was singing in the church choir which later led to her being part of different bands. She studies both singing and acting and turned to be very successful in both.

Her natural beauty brought her the title Miss San Francisco in 1951.

Eden as Jeannie in a variation of the famous “Jeannie costume” seen only in the pilot episode.

Her TV career started with The Johnny Carson Show in 1955 and continued with a number of series and movies. In I Dream of Jeannie, which is her most remarkable role, she played a genie set free from her bottle. The series aired for five years.

For her last birthday, an official Barbara Eden Instagram account shared a photo of her which left fans stunned by how she looks at that age.

It said, “We wish our favorite blonde, Rider of the Wild Surf, Voyager to the Bottom of the Sea, nemesis of the Harper Valley PTA and of course, the eternal Lady in the Bottle a very happy Birthday today!”

In 1988, Barbara received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for her contributions to television.

In her memoir Jeannie Out of the Bottle, which was released in 2011, she speaks of her childhood, her fame in her 20’s, as well as her marriages and the tragedy of losing her son.

This year, the actress turned 92 and says she feels age is just a number. In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, she says:“It’s like any other birthday, I’m just happy to be here.”

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Barbara is still working and doesn’t plan to retire any time soon. “I was working up until the shutdown point last March,” she told the Hollywood Reporter.

She is happy she has been part of the showbiz. “I’m very happy that I lived during that time,” she told the Hollywood Reporter. “I’m happy that I had my beginnings then, but things change. What a wonderful time now, more actors are working than ever before with all of the companies like Netflix and Amazon, all of these movies and TV shows they are producing.”

“I feel young!” Barbara told Page 6, adding that she considered herself lucky. “I feel sorry for people like my poor father who had to work every day at something he didn’t like. I enjoy my work. I still work.”

Until a few years back, she kept going to the gym, participating in spin classes, and lifting weights. Nowadays, she works with a trainer at her home.

“I have a lot of friends,” the TV legend added. “I’m pretty active socially.”

Eden recently attended a red carpet event in Beverly Hills and completely astounded everyone in attendance with her youthful looks.

She wore a navy blue satin shirt and matching black leggings, a matching set of black and silver jewelry, as well as high shoes with a pointed toe.

In 2021, she explained how she managed to keep her looks.

“I’m very careful about [my] diet,” she mentioned..

“I’m a carnivore… I like steak. We eat a lot of pork, chicken, steak [and] vegetables.”

We all have to agree that Barbara looks awesome.

The Scene Where Archie Bunker Defends The National Anthem Is Going Viral 50 Years Later

Archie Bunker most certainly was a memorable television character. For years, he appeared as a star of “All in the Family” and struck a chord with millions of Americans who felt they could relate to Bunker’s views on being an American.The show described Bunker as a hard-working American man who previously served in the armed forces, which explains why he was unwilling to stand by and let another man belittle the Star-Spangled Banner and be disrespectful toward it and all it stood for.
Bunker loved being patriotic and never worried about his political incorrectness. Although some of his comments have not aged well considering the “woke” revolution overtaking America these days, Bunker’s stance in favor of the national anthem continues to speak to millions of Americans who continue to put their pride in America before all else.During this clip, Bunker was watching television with his son-in-law, Meathead. While the national anthem was being played ahead of a sports event, Meathead complained about the anthem and said that it was not a very good song because it glorified the horrors of war.
Although modern-day critics of the national anthem claim it is racist against Black, brown, and indigenous people of color, Meathead was taking a stance against the anthem because it was written during the War of 1812 between the fledgling United States of America and Great Britain.
While Meathead shared his criticism of the anthem, Archie Bunker quickly came to its defense.
“That is one terrible song,” Meathead complains to his father-in-law. Bunker cannot believe his ears and lets his son-in-law know as much. He turns his gaze to Meathead with his eyes popping out of his head in shock at what he just heard come out of his son-in-law’s mouth.Don’t start up nothing with me, Meathead. I’m watching the game. That’s a beautiful song, and shut your face.” Bunker’s blunt attack gets Meathead riled up. He shifts in his chair and prepares to counter Bunker’s statement with one of his own invention.
“Huh? The song glorifies war, and even as a song, it stinks. Nobody can remember the words.”
“You’re going to ruin this game for me?” Bunker lashed back.

“Can you remember the words?”
“Certainly I can!” Bunker shouts.
Meathead then challenges the patriotic Archie Bunker to sing the first few lines of the national anthem. What happens next will have you rolling on the floor with laughter. Meathead doubles down and refuses to put the game back on until Bunker recites the words of the anthem. Although he recites his lines with gusto, Meathead is the one who gets the pleasure of telling Bunker he is “wrong!” Dozens of people commented on this delightfully funny clip from All in the Family on the YouTube video included below.
“Talk about picking battles. Mike just couldn’t shut up and let Archie enjoy his football game, including the national anthem. Go, Archie!”

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