When Cassie returns from a getaway with her husband and son, she walks into her home to see a cryptic message from her mother — telling her to watch a video. As Cassie presses play, her entire life changes. In the end, she’s left wondering which of her parents are worthy of forgiveness.
In my eyes, my father could do no wrong. He was everything I needed him to be and more. He was a businessman who was always traveling, but he ensured that he made enough time for me.
“You’re my little girl, Cassie,” he would say, bopping my nose with his index finger. “You’re the most special.”
My parents always went out of their way for me — ensuring that despite their busy schedules, we would have family dinner almost every night.
It was the one thing that kept me grounded while both of my friends from school were in the middle of their parents’ messy divorces.
“I think it’s trendy now,” I told my mother as she cut slices of banana bread for me after school one day.
“Cas, you cannot think that divorce is trendy,” she laughed. “It’s devastating and traumatic, and very few families actually keep things civil.”
“I’m just saying that it’s trendy because a lot of kids live between two homes,” I explained to her. “It’s one of those things we were talking about in class today.”
I was fourteen, and the world seemed more dramatic than it should have been.
But what I didn’t know was that my words seemed to be an incantation that settled over our home.
A few weeks after that conversation, my father went away on a business trip. A few hours after he had been gone, there was news of his passing.
“How?” I asked. “How did he die?”
“I don’t know what to tell you, Cassie,” she replied. “I’m just saying what the paramedics told me.”
“So what will we do next?” I asked.
“What do you mean?” she asked, puzzled by the question.
“For the funeral?” I asked. “Aren’t we going to have one?”
“I don’t think so,” my mother replied. “Dad wanted to be cremated and have his ashes spread at the beach. Let’s do that instead.”
I couldn’t fathom why my mother would want to do that — but at the end of the day, she knew my father best. And the longer I thought about it, the more beautiful and sentimental a private ceremony at the beach felt.
“Don’t be difficult, Cassie,” my mother said when she saw me thinking about my next move.
“I’m not,” I said. “Really. I was just thinking about it. It’s a great idea, Mom.”
I could have fought her for a send-off that I thought would have been more appropriate. But what use would it have been? At the end of the day, we had both lost him.
The months following the beach ceremony felt weighted, and I knew that I was becoming deeply depressed — my father had been our world. And his absence was felt more than anything.
But, with time, I learned to live with it.
Last week, I decided to book a cabin in the woods for a little family vacation. My son was adamant that camping was the new best thing, and I knew that despite the wonders of nature, I wasn’t going to camp in a tent without a bathroom in sight.
Instead, I thought that a cabin would be the best option — my husband, Derek, could camp outside with Drew, our son, if he insisted on it.
We had a dog, therefore, I asked my mother to house-sit for the week so that we could be at peace, knowing that Romeo was taken care of.
A week away was more than enough to restore my mind — and eventually, when we went back home, I was surprised to see that my mother wasn’t there. In fact, it looked like she had never been there.
But there, on the coffee table, was a note beneath the TV remote.
Watch this, Cassie. I’m sorry. — Mom
I didn’t know what was in store for me, but while Derek got Drew into the bath, I put the TV on and began to watch whatever my mother had planned.
The TV flickered to life, and there he was, my father, his voice a long-lost melody, his image aged but still, unmistakably him.
Tears streamed down my face as the realization that he was still alive enveloped me in a mix of joy and disbelief.
The video message was nothing short of unpredictable.
My dear Cassie, I’m still here, alive. I’m so sorry for the pain that you must have felt from my loss. But it was needed. I needed to be removed from your life because of the sordid truth of my past. Your mother knows everything, please ask her for the truth.
My health is on a steady decline, and I would love to see you and explain it all.
Love you, Dad.
Without telling Derek or Drew anything, I grabbed the car keys and ran out. I needed my mother to explain.
“So, I bet you’ve got questions for me,” she said, opening the door.
“Explain it all,” I said.
“Cassie, it’s heavy. You look tired from your trip; are you sure you want to do this now?” she asked.
I nodded. It was now or never. I needed to know why my father faked his own death to get out of our lives.
My mother made us some tea and took out some shortbread.
“Darling,” she said. “I’ll understand if you don’t forgive me, but there’s so much about that time that I need to tell you.”
I sipped my tea, trying to figure out what my mother was about to tell me.
“I remember that you were telling me about your friend’s parents getting divorced. Do you remember that?” she asked.
I nodded. Of course, I did. It was the strangest thing, but it was so common when I was in school.
“Well, your father and I were not legally married. So when I told him about our conversation regarding divorce, he was actually relieved. Without being married, there would be no divorce.”
“What’s the big deal?” I asked.
“Then I found out that the real reason that we didn’t get married was because your father was already married to another woman.”
“What?” I exclaimed, almost dropping my cup. “To who?”
“To a woman in the town where he always had his business trips.”
“You didn’t know?” I asked, unable to believe her words.
“Of course not!” she exclaimed. “But when I pressed him about it, he decided to choose that family over us. So, I told him that the story was going to be his death.”
We were both silent for a moment.
Turns out that my mother told him that she would never tell me the truth, not when he was my favorite person. She couldn’t burst my bubble in that way. And she refused to let him see me one more time.
“It was better for you to think that it was an accident,” my mother said. “It just made more sense.”
Now, I understood why we didn’t have a funeral for him.
“What did we throw into the sea, then?” I asked.
“Dust,” she replied with a straight face.
My mother had spoken to him twice over the years. The second time being a day ago.
During their meeting, my father confessed his imminent death due to illness and requested that she give me the recording. My mother, torn by guilt and love, chose to write me the note and have the recording all set for me to watch.
“I would have taken the secret to my grave,” she said. “But knowing that he was ill and wanted to see you just struck something in me.”
Compelled by a need to confront the reality of my father’s existence, I traveled to the state where he lived with his other family.
I spent a few weeks with my father — going in and out of hospitals, watching him take an array of different medication, and growing weaker by the day.
Sitting at his bedside, I listened to his stories, the regrets, the moments of joy, and the love he had for all his children — myself included.
When things started to go downhill, I asked Derek to fly over with Drew. It was going to be a fleeting moment, but at least I’d know that my son had met my father.
A few days later, my father died.
Even now, I don’t know if I’ve forgiven him for the lie of having a double life. I just know that when it came to it in the end — I wanted to spend time with him. I had shoved my feelings aside, hoping for memories that I could figure out later.
But now that the dust has settled, I’m trying to figure out if I should forgive my mother for lying.
What would you do?
A man saves a stray dog that had fallen into the ice, leading him to a lost family inheritance

John had a mission to find a long-lost family heirloom. After rescuing a dog that was about to drown, he discovered much more than just the family inheritance.
John had settled in an old cabin searching for a long-lost family treasure: a gold medallion bearing the family coat of arms. He spent his days working online and his evenings studying antiques on various specialized websites, hoping to find the medallion.
His grandfather cherished the medallion, which he had received from his father years ago. He often spoke about it with great nostalgia. So, John decided to find it.
However, that day wasn’t about work or family. On that particularly cold winter day, all John wanted was to enjoy a day of fishing. As he prepared his hook on the cabin porch, he suddenly heard a faint bark coming from the lake.
At first, John ignored the bark, but as it turned into desperate whimpering, he became worried and decided to check what was happening.
“You really are a lucky dog,” John said, pausing with a sudden realization. “Yes… I think that’s what I’ll call you. Lucky.”
As he approached the lake, he saw a Labrador that had fallen into the ice, struggling to stay afloat. John immediately returned to the cabin, grabbed a rope, and rushed back to the lake. He quickly fashioned a lasso and caught the dog, pulling her from the freezing water. The dog shivered, helpless, and appeared to have an injured paw.
John quickly wrapped her in a blanket and brought her home. He warmed her by the fireplace, fed her, and treated her wounds.
“Poor thing. You’ve been through so much. How could anyone abandon something so beautiful?” John said as he cared for the dog, who soon fell asleep.
“You really are a lucky dog,” John said again, this time with a warm smile. “Yes… that’s your name now. Lucky.” The dog gave a soft bark, as if in agreement with her new name.
From that moment, John decided to keep Lucky as his companion. Over the weeks, John continued his search for the family heirloom.
What made the search particularly difficult was that he wasn’t exactly sure what he was looking for. Some family members said it was a gold medallion, others a pendant. The only thing they all agreed on was that it bore the family emblem.
The last connection to the lost family inheritance was a pouch with an embroidered family crest, which was where the relic had been kept until it disappeared, according to his grandfather. John tirelessly pursued his quest night after night. Every evening, he scoured antique photos but found no clues. And every evening, Lucky sat by his side for company.
One night, after another fruitless search, John lost his temper. While sitting at his desk, examining data as usual, he suddenly stood up and threw the pouch to the floor. He placed his hands against the wall, trying to calm down and brace himself.
“I’m done! This is hopeless! I’ll never find that stupid thing!” John shouted in frustration. Lucky whimpered sympathetically, sensing her new master’s distress. Feeling Lucky’s concern, John began to pet her. “Sorry, Lucky. I’ve had enough. I don’t want to search anymore. Besides, I’m not alone now. I’ve got you. I won’t waste more time on this nonsense. From now on, it’s just you and me.”
John examined Lucky’s injuries, which were nearly healed. “Once you’re fully recovered, I’ll teach you a few tricks. How does that sound?” John asked, to which Lucky responded with enthusiastic barking and a wagging tail.
“I think the better question is, what are you doing in my cabin?”
A week later, Lucky had fully recovered, and John began taking her for walks in the forest near the lake. But Lucky kept trying to run off into the woods.
As the situation worsened, John began to fear that one day she would run off and get hurt or lost. So he decided to cut back on the walks and instead play and train with Lucky at home.
One evening, while lying in bed, John decided to resume his search. He opened his laptop and searched online for clues about the family relic. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lucky dragging the jewelry pouch into the bed John had prepared for her.
“No, Lucky!” John commanded, jumping out of bed. “Bring it here,” he said, trying to take it from Lucky. But she didn’t let go, holding it tightly in her teeth.
Suddenly, Lucky bolted toward the door, pouch in mouth, and whined to be let outside. John thought Lucky just wanted to play, so he opened the door, hoping to retrieve the pouch once they were outside. However, when he opened the door, Lucky dashed into the woods.
“Lucky!” John shouted. He quickly grabbed his flashlight and ran after her.
“Lucky! Stop!” John yelled, chasing her as fast as he could. Lucky slowed down and sped up occasionally, allowing John to keep up as if she was leading him somewhere.
A few minutes later, Lucky suddenly stopped in a remote part of the forest. John caught up, panting and scolding Lucky for running off. But when John caught his breath, he noticed an old cabin in front of them. Lucky entered through the slightly open door.
“No, Lucky! Come back,” John whispered, afraid the cabin’s occupants might think they were trying to steal something. But judging by the cabin’s remote location, John figured it was likely abandoned.
As they got closer, John started recognizing the cabin, leaving him puzzled. He knew the forest like the back of his hand and had passed by this cabin many times without paying it much attention. Why had Lucky led him here?
Overcome by curiosity, John went against his better judgment and followed Lucky inside. Lucky sniffed around the cabin, exploring every corner. She suddenly stopped near the fireplace, dropping the pouch beside her.
“That’s not all. I found your brother, Steven. He’s in my car, and you can meet him right now.”
“Alright, that’s enough, Lucky. Let’s get out of here before we get into trouble,” John said softly, trying to pull Lucky toward the door. But Lucky wouldn’t budge. She was onto something. Lucky began digging in the fireplace. A minute later, she unearthed a shiny object with her teeth and placed it at John’s feet.
It was a gold medallion with an intricate design engraved on the front. John picked it up to examine it more closely. After a moment, he realized it wasn’t just any design, but his family’s coat of arms! This was the heirloom John had been searching for all along. He had almost given up, and now it was right there in his hands.
Suddenly, the cabin door opened, and an elderly man entered.
“Charlie? I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” the elderly man said, turning to the dog.
“Charlie? You know her?” John asked.
“Do I know her? I think the better question is, what are you doing in my cabin?” the man asked, grabbing the axe by the door.
“I’m sorry, it’s this dog that led me here. She insisted. I mean no harm,” John said, cautiously raising his hands in the air.
“Yeah, she can be quite insistent,” the man replied.
“I found her in the lake. She almost drowned.”
“Oh… Well, thank you. I took her in as a puppy from a nearby trail,” the man explained, slowly setting down the axe.
“And you named her Charlie? You do know she’s a girl, right?” John said with a little laugh, lowering his hands as well.
“She became my best friend, so I named her after my childhood friend. Someone I haven’t seen in a very long time,” the elderly man said with a sad, nostalgic look in his eyes.
“Where did you find this?” John asked, holding out the medallion. “My family has been searching for this medallion for years,” John added.
The man’s face suddenly grew pale. He looked confused and angry. John feared the worst, but then he saw a tear roll down the man’s cheek as he sat on the floor, defeated.
“My parents left that medallion to my younger brother, Charlie, when they passed away. They left me nothing. I was so furious that I stole it from him. Eventually, I joined the army. When I returned, I had no intention of reconnecting with my brother, so I came to live here in this cabin, hoping to sell the medallion for some money and start over,” the man tearfully explained.
“But I was told it had no value. So this cabin became my new home, and I’ve lived here ever since. I couldn’t bring myself to face my brother and apologize for what I had done. The shame has haunted me ever since,” the man admitted.
“I recently tried to burn it in the fireplace. But it remained intact,” the man concluded.
“Your brother’s name is Charlie?” John asked, surprised.
“Yes,” the man replied.
“That’s my grandfather’s name. He’s been searching for this medallion for years,” John said, stepping closer to the man.
“You’re Charlie’s grandson?” the man said, standing up to get a better look at John. “Yes, I can see it now,” the man said with a comforting smile. “Charlie brought us together,” he added, warmly embracing John as he cried.
“I think it’s time you and your brother reunited,” John said softly.
“Yes… I think it is,” the man agreed, nodding.
John couldn’t believe it. He had found the family heirloom and uncovered a family secret. He had no idea his grandfather had a long-lost brother.
That evening, John went to his grandfather’s house to show him what he had found. The elderly man couldn’t hold back his tears when he saw the medallion. He was amazed at how the dog had found in just a few days what the family had been searching for over decades.
He opened the medallion to reveal its true value. Inside was the only photo of John’s grandfather, his parents, and his older brother.
“Thank you so much, my boy. You have no idea what this means to me,” John’s grandfather said gratefully.
“That’s not all. I found your brother. Your Steven. He’s in my car, and you can meet him right now.” John’s grandfather couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He nodded hesitantly.
John and his grandfather stepped out of their small lakeside home to find Steven, Charlie’s brother, getting out of the car at the same time. Charlie approached, tears in his eyes. John stood back, Lucky by his side, watching as his grandfather and his brother embraced emotionally.
“I’m so sorry, Charlie!” Steven cried.
“I know. It’s all right now. We’re finally together again, brother,” Charlie said, weeping bitterly.
Charlie and Steven spent a long night together. They drank coffee, reminisced about the good old days, and caught up on all the important events they had missed in each other’s lives. John took photos of their time together and was extremely happy for his grandfather.
John’s grandfather and Steven agreed that Steven would leave the cabin and move in with him the next day to make up for the lost time. But in the morning, when John went to pick up Steven’s things to bring him to his grandfather’s, he discovered that the elderly man had passed away in his cabin.
His grandfather was heartbroken, but grateful for the moment he had just shared with his long-lost brother and best friend. John added a photo of the two brothers together in their old age to the medallion, only increasing its value to their family.
What can we learn from this story?
Sometimes our actions lead us to unexpected places, and we never know what we might find or who we might meet. John’s encounter with Lucky led him to his grandfather’s brother and helped heal an old family wound.
Chances for redemption exist. Steven and his brother Charlie found a second chance at redemption in their old age, after all those years.
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