The 52-year-old model showed how her monstrous curves look in a swimsuit

Allegra Cole first tried herself as a model when she was 30 years old. At that time, the woman looked completely different than today. However, having started making good money, Allegra decided to improve her appearance and bring her body to perfection.

However, her concept of perfection was very peculiar. Now Allegra is 52, since then she has done far more than one plastic surgery, increasing her shape to monstrous proportions.

The husband tried to reason with the woman, but she did not listen. In the end, the man who lived with Allegra for more than 20 years could not stand her cardinal changes and left his wife. However, Allegra was not particularly upset.

Last year, the model once again decided to increase its already rather small forms. Currently, her figure looks even scary. However, Allegra herself believes that she has reached the ideal of beauty. Surprisingly, she has a lot of fans on social networks. What do you think about the figure of the model? Please share your opinion in the comments.

Watch Jesse Watters Sends The View Into A Fit Of Rage With Hilarious Joke

Some stories involve so many odd aspects that they’re hard to believe, such as a recent spat invoIving Target’s woke Santa nutcrackers, Fox News host Jesse Watters joking about those nutcrackers, and the ladies on ABC’s “The View” going absolutely berserk over what he said about them.

As background, Target has decided to ignore whatever lesson it could have Iearned from outrage over aspects of its Pride Month apparel, such as Satanist-designed clothing, and released a number of pieces of woke Christmas decor that, predictably, infuriated conservative groups.

The company’s decision to release such products comes despite its financial losses that some connect to conservative boycotts and outrage.

FNC’s Jesse Watter responded by mocking the woke items, both on FNC and on X. Posting a clip of himself on X, Watters captioned it by mocking the items, saying, We’re witnessing the Dylanization of corporate America.

Companies are committing financial sui cide- one after the other. Target hired Gay Cruella to run their merchandising strategy and now they’re selling g ay nutcrackers and disabled Santa’s. And if you want one, you can just steal it, because they won’t stop you.

Joy Behar of “The View” then got particularly angry about Watters’ remarks, yelling, on the show, You know I realize it’s a compIex idea to get your mind around, Mr. Watters, but does Fox News understand that not every human being is heterose xual and caucasian? I don’t think they see that!

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