20+ Photos Proving That You Can Find Something Cool, Even in a Pile of Old Junk

The people from this article learned that something truly valuable can be found in unexpected places like a secondhand store or a flea market. You don’t have to have any special knowledge or skills — sometimes you just have to be a little lucky.

Bright Side is about to show you some photos taken by lucky people who managed to buy some cool and very expensive stuff when they least expected to.

“In high school, I found this vintage apple necklace that I loved at an antique store, but I left it at an ex-boyfriend’s house and never got it back. Yesterday I walked into an antique store and SAW THE SAME NECKLACE! 10 years later and 700 miles away, the treasure hunt always pays off!”

“I found a nice hardcover edition of a book I’ve been wanting to read at Value Village, and I was happy to pay the $5 for it. Then I found this when I flipped through it at home.”

“I always make sure to look through the entire costume jewelry section before leaving and today I found this diamond sapphire engagement ring in a rummage bowl for $2. Took it to a jeweler straight after and they confirmed it was real.”

“I was searching for a suit for a wedding and found a 3-piece with a retail value of $1,700. And I paid $20 for it!”

“Needed an emergency dress for an event yesterday and found one for $9 at my favorite charity shop!”

“Found a camera in a thrift store that belonged to a soldier in WW1. It has undeveloped Verichrome film in the back.”

“I found a Loewe ’puzzle’ bag in pristine condition for $20 at Goodwill. It retails at $2,590.”

“Always check your piggy banks! Found $170 in a piggy bank that cost $7!”

“Found my wedding dress today. I believe it’s from the 1950s and I only paid $64 for it and I’m in love. Going to add my own twist to the top and redo the corset but the bottom is staying just how it is.”

“This is the best $1.99 I will ever spend in my lifetime. The book has a photo of Stephen King and his autograph in it!”

“This is a thrifted vintage gown that resembles the lamé dress Marilyn Monroe wore. I did not nail the pose, I know…”

“Went to a house clearance sale and found this pin marked as ’costume jewelry’ for $5. Took it to a jeweler and they confirmed it’s unmarked gold with diamonds and sapphires.”

“3 designer blazers on the same trip to GW — I paid under $15 for all 3.”

“Fell in love with this painting and got it for $10!”

“I found a $5 vintage, heavily-beaded, seashell purse with a handmade tag inside. It’s so pretty!”

“Cute vintage strawberry salt and pepper shakers, new and in a box”

“Found $5 in this jacket I paid $6 for.”

“I got a Harry Potter wand for $1.78.”

“I only started learning embroidery a few days ago and found 700 skeins of string for $5 at a thrift store. They retail for about $.50 each.”

“This was probably my favorite purchase ever! A $3 vintage wedding dress!”

“I was told this was a green amethyst and haggled it down to $42. Took it to a jeweler to have it appraised — it’s a rare green diamond over 100 years old, conservatively worth more than $8,000!”

We’re sure that our readers have interesting stories too. Which of your purchases do you think was a really great find? Tell us!

Elderly Woman Spots Her Late Mother’s Pendant at a Flea Market, Then Suddenly Hears, ‘I’ll Pay Twice the Asking Price’

An 80-year-old woman unexpectedly found her late mother’s treasured pendant in an antique store. She decided to buy it but was interrupted by a stranger offering to pay double its price. She burst into tears after recognizing who it was.

80-year-old Samantha was a regular shopper at the thrift store. She loved buying antique showpieces and furniture to adorn the little home she lived in alone.

One day, she went shopping, assuming it would be just an ordinary day at the flea market.

“I hope I find a nice shelf to go under Paul’s photo. The old one is broken,” she mumbled.

Paul was her late husband, who had died just a year after their wedding in 1963. Since then, Samantha refused to move on and chose to live with his memories, and his photo was one among her treasured items…

“Hello there, how can I help you, Mrs. Drake?” the vendor in the furniture store asked.

“Well, I want a nice shelf. Not a grand one, but something small with elegant cuts and durable wood.”

“Alright! Why don’t you sit down while I bring a few pieces?”

“Why would you want to buy my mom’s pendant?” Samantha asked the stranger who offered to pay double the price for it.
Samantha sat in the store, looking around. Moments later, the antique shop across the road opposite the furniture store drew her attention.

“I’ll be back in a bit. I’ll just go check out the store across for a candle stand,” she said.

“Alright, Mrs. Drake. I’ll be ready with the shelves by then.”

Shortly after Samantha entered the antique shop, she was startled by what she saw there.

“Oh my God! This can’t be it. Where did you get this?” she asked, her eyes gleaming with tears as she pointed to a classic red pendant on the mannequin.

“Hey, Mrs. Drake! Did you mean this one?” The seller brought down the beautiful chain with the pendant from the display.

“Yes, please…can I see it?”

“Sure, here you go… That’s $40, but I’ll give it to you for $5 less…” The vendor smiled.

Samantha flipped the pendant several times and could no longer hold back her tears.

“I found it…This belonged to my mother!” she exclaimed, tears endlessly streaming down her face. “From where did you get it?”

“I don’t know, but my dad told me that someone sold it to him several years ago… It had not gone on display because my dad kept it at home. After he died last year, I cleared the attic and found it there. So I put it up here for sale.”

Samantha could not believe her eyes. “I’m getting it!” she said, and just as she dug her bag for the money, she heard someone enter, followed by a loud voice:

“I’ll pay double its price…Please give it to me…I want it at any cost!”

Samantha was startled. She turned around, only to gasp in astonishment after seeing a woman who looked like her.

“Oh my God! I can’t believe this! Am I looking at myself in the mirror?” panted the other woman.

“Oh, dear! What’s happening? And how come you look exactly like me?” shrieked Samantha.

The two women stared at each other for quite some time, unable to fathom their uncanny resemblance.

“Wha—What’s your name? I’m Samantha…And you?”

“I’m Doris!”

“And why would you want to buy my mom’s pendant?”

“Your mom’s pendant?”

“Yes, this is my mom Dorothy’s pendant… We became very poor after my dad left my mom, so she sold everything we had to make ends meet, and this pendant was among the heirlooms she sold. She sold it to a man, but I don’t know how it reached here.”

“So that makes you my sister?!” Doris shrieked, hugging a confused Samantha, who could not understand what was happening.

“Sister??? What do you mean?” she exclaimed, pushing Doris back for an explanation.

“Let me show you,” replied Doris, who took out an old, torn photo of Dorothy wearing the pendant with a little girl on her lap.

“Jesus Christ! This is unbelievable! This is my mother, and this is me with her,” exclaimed Samantha.

“No, that’s not you…THAT’S ME! We’re twins!” replied Doris, stunning Samantha.

“What? How could that be? Oh my God…I never knew I had a sister!” cried Samantha.

As it turned out, Doris was indeed Samantha’s twin. Their parents, Dorothy and Michael, went through a rough patch in their marriage and divorced when Samantha and Doris were just a year old. They parted ways, each taking one child to raise independently.

Samantha was raised by Dorothy, while Doris was taken by her dad. They were separated right from childhood and never got a chance to see each other again.

“….And when my granny died 40 years ago, she revealed the secret when I asked her about the other half of this torn photo,” cried Doris.

“Dad had passed a year before her, so I could not confront him. He never left anything else of you that could help me track you. I lost my husband several years ago and have no children. I kept looking for you but in vain… I think it was God’s will for us to meet like this today, thanks to mom’s pendant!”

“I came here to buy a candle stand, and right now, I am baffled!” Samantha cried like a kid in Doris’s arms. “You can have the pendant! I had seen mom wear it, but you never got a chance to even be with her. It should belong to you now!”

Doris was touched and moved to tears. Samantha bought the pendant and placed it around Doris’s neck.

“You remind me of our mother! I’m glad to meet you. Let’s go home!” she said as an excited antique store owner saw the silhouette of Samantha and Doris exit his store, holding each other!

What can we learn from this story?

You may never know about the history an old piece of artifact might have. When Samantha saw the pendant in the antique store, she immediately recognized it as her late mother’s. She would soon learn that the pendant would reunite her with the twin sister she never knew.
Sometimes, children suffer fateful consequences from the decisions their parents make. After their divorce, Michael and Dorothy separated their twin daughters, each taking one. The sisters never knew about each other for several decades until they accidentally met at the antique store and recognized each other.

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