If you see a purple fence post, you need to know what it means

As the weather warms and you start to venture outside, be careful where you walk.

If you come across a purple fence post, it’s best to stay away.

A purple fence post is meant to send a message to anyone who comes across it, and that message is: No trespassing!

While property owners have the option of hanging a sign to indicate private property,

signs can deteriorate over time while paint will last a lot longer and still convey the same message.

In 1987 Arkansas became the first state to implement a purple paint law. Currently,

22 states have laws allowing landowners to mark the perimeter of their property with purple paint.

However, while some states use different color paint – Idaho and Montana use orange paint – the idea is the same.

At first many governments required landowners use purple paint and signs, but overtime signage was no longer required.

However, if you live in one of the 28 states that does not have a purple paint law, you may be unfamiliar with its meaning.

A painted post or tree means no trespassing.

In order to comply with the law, the purple stripe must be 3′ to 5′ off the ground and at least 8″ long and 1″ wide.

The markings must not be more than 100′ apart.

Please share this story to make sure everyone knows about the purple paint law.

Man Thinks He Found “Hornets” Nest In Attic – Turns Pale When He Realizes What’s Inside

It broke the monotony of James’s day to see Liam sobbing in the attic. He didn’t know that as he hurried to console his terrified son, a long-kept secret was about to be revealed in their house.

The narrative started in 2018 when deer harmed the family’s arborvitae trees. They saw something strange between the trees on the east side of the yard as they were getting ready to replace them. It was initially thought to be an electrical box, but it turned out to be far more confusing.

When landscapers arrived in May 2018 to take down the damaged trees, they found the metal box was not just any old fixture but the entrance to a giant hornet’s nest. Astonished by the size of the nest and its strange noises, which sounded like a struggling vehicle engine, James and Liam surmised that something important was hidden inside.

James summoned a hornet control professional; however, the specialist turned him down for the work after seeing the unusual hive in the attic. James called around to a few pest control companies, but was told to hold off until winter. James made the decision to act alone due to the deafening noise and deteriorating circumstances.

James put on protective gear and tried to take the nest down by himself. He got stung by hornets a lot and felt quite uncomfortable. In an effort to keep his family safe, Liam fearlessly put out a smoker to temporarily subdue the hornets, unintentionally exposing a shocking finding inside the nest.

Aware of Liam’s bravery but worried about his safety, James and his wife Emma had a falling out over the disturbing information.

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