Sad news about Brad Pitt. The announcement was made by the great actor himself:

Actor Brad Pitt revealed in a recent interview that he suffers from prosopagnosia, a rare neurological disorder also known as “facial blindness.”

Dani Blum describes the disorder’s signs, causes, and remedies in an article for the New York Times.

Borna Bonakdarpour, a behavioral neurologist at Northwestern Medicine, claims that face blindness—not color blindness or general vision impairment—is the main symptom of prosopagnosia.

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke states that there is no connection between the illness and memory loss, vision problems, or learning impairments.

Blum continues, “It is not the same as forgetting or occasionally having trouble finding the correct word.

The severity of prosopagnosia will differ from person to person.

For instance, some people might have problems identifying a familiar face, such as that of a close friend or relative, while others might have trouble identifying their own reflection.

Additionally, some people might not be able to distinguish between faces and objects.

Notably, some data indicates that individuals with prosopagnosia may have chronic anxiety or depression due to the loneliness and fear that are frequently associated with the illness.

Blum notes that some people avoid contact with family members and other loved ones out of concern that they won’t be able to properly recognize or acknowledge them.

“Navigating basic social relationships with prosopagnosia can become difficult,” she says.

Pitt admitted that he has trouble recognizing people’s faces for years in a recent interview with GQ, despite never having gotten a formal prosopagnosia diagnosis.

In fact, Pitt claimed in a 2013 interview with Esquire that his difficulty recognizing people’s appearances was so great that it frequently made him want to isolate himself.

He explained, “That’s why I stay at home.

What is the condition’s cause?

People who are diagnosed with prosopagnosia often fall into one of two categories: either they are born with it or they acquire it.

However, estimations reveal that as many as one in every 50 people may struggle with some lifetime form of the disorder, and experts hypothesize that it may run in families.

According to Blum, research “suggests that congenital, or lifelong, prosopagnosia is less prevalent.”

According to Andrey Stojic, director of general neurology at the Cleveland Clinic, children born with the illness “don’t seem to have any visible structural abnormality” in the brain.

Notably, doctors don’t fully understand what causes congenital prosopagnosia because there aren’t any obvious brain lesions in persons who have it.

In contrast, people who develop prosopagnosia later in life may have brain abnormalities brought on by a trauma or head injury.

According to Bonakdarpour, individuals can also develop prosopagnosia while dealing with Alzheimer’s illness or following a stroke.

What therapies are available for prosopagnosia?

Prosopagnosia is now untreatable, according to Bonakdarpour. The problem can be treated, though.

People who have the syndrome frequently attempt to distinguish between people by focusing on physical characteristics like hair color, gait, or voice.

I Presented the Man I’m Dating to My 5-Year-Old Daughter, She Screamed the First Time She Saw Him

Jessica looked forward to introducing her daughter, Emma, to her boyfriend, Alex. However, when Emma met Alex for the first time, she screamed in terror, believing her father’s warnings that Alex was a threat.

The memory of Emma’s terrified screams echoed in Jessica’s mind. She had planned this day for weeks, wanting it to be perfect. Jessica and Alex had met at a charity event, where his charm and kindness quickly drew her in. Their relationship grew stronger over the year, and Jessica knew it was time for Alex to meet her daughter, the most important person in her life.

However, the aftermath of her rough divorce from Tom, Emma’s father, weighed heavily on Jessica. Tom had been in charge of babysitting while she was out with Alex and had met him several times without issues, or so she thought.

Jessica made Emma’s favorite brunch, pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream, and even dressed up for the occasion. Alex arrived with a gift and a warm smile, excited to meet Emma. But as soon as Emma saw Alex, she froze, her face draining of color.

She screamed for Jessica, convinced that Alex would take her away forever. Jessica was stunned, and Alex looked equally confused. Jessica knelt down to Emma’s level, trying to reassure her. Emma insisted that her father had warned her about Alex, showing her pictures and telling her to run if she ever saw him. Anger surged within Jessica; how could Tom do this? Alex knelt beside them, promising Emma that he only wanted to be her friend, but she remained scared and clung to Jessica tightly.

Jessica carried Emma to the living room and sat with her in her lap while Alex kept his distance to avoid frightening her further. She gently asked Emma what Tom had told her. Emma recounted how her father had scared her about Alex being a bad man who would take them away.

Jessica felt a mix of sadness and anger, knowing Tom was wrong. She tried to reassure Emma that Alex was kind and caring, but Emma’s fears lingered. After settling Emma in her room, Jessica called Tom, feeling both angry and hurt.

When Tom answered, he feigned ignorance about the situation. After Jessica confronted him about scaring Emma, Tom admitted he did it because he didn’t trust Alex. Jessica was shocked. She told him he had lost his babysitting privileges until he could behave appropriately.

Tom grew defensive, arguing that he was protecting Emma. Jessica insisted that he was projecting his insecurities onto their daughter and manipulating her. They argued, but eventually, Tom agreed to try to work together for Emma’s sake.

Jessica felt a mix of relief and frustration, knowing that this was just the beginning of a challenging process. After hanging up, she returned to the living room, where Alex awaited her with concern. Jessica explained the situation, feeling hopeful about taking things one step at a time.

With Alex’s support, she knew they could overcome the challenges ahead and help Emma feel safe. Although the road ahead was uncertain, they were ready to face it together, united for Emma’s sake.

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