Usually, when we wake up and get ready for our day, we don’t really think that we will end up being heroes that day.
So, when a Good Samaritan was working on a property in Philadelphia, they thought it was going to be just a regular day on the job.
However, while working, he noticed a discarded trash bag with something moving inside of it. He immediately rushed to investigate and, ripping open the bag, he saw something that completely took him by surprise.
Shocking Discovery

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Inside of the bag, the worker found a white and tan Pittie that was in very bad condition.
The body of this terrified pup was completely stiff, and he could not move his head or his feet.
The heartbroken hooman gently took him out of the trash bag and placed him on a piece of cardboard. He also covered his stiff body with a blanket, hoping to keep him as warm as possible.
When he got the pup comfortable, he contacted the local authorities informing them of the situation.
While he waited, he gave the sweet boy some food hoping that he would take a few bites.

The Pennsylvania SPCA gladly answered the call and immediately headed down to the location of the pup.
When they arrived, they wasted no time and loaded the poor pup, later named Codi, into their car and took him to their facilities.
Seeing the condition Codi was in left the vets puzzled.
“What had happened to this poor soul? Why had he been discarded like trash?” Pennsylvania SPCA wrote in a Facebook post.
It didn’t take the vets too long to realize that Codi was unable to stand up on his paws. They conducted many tests and made sure that he was fed and had a lot of fresh water on hand.
They then started to stretch and massage his limbs, making sure that they were gentle and not scaring the pup.
After some time, Codi was able to stand up and even take his first careful steps.https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FPennsylvaniaSPCA%2Fvideos%2F1864516417354047%2F%3Fref%3Dembed_video&show_text=0&width=267
Seeing this made his rescuers tear up. They knew that these steps meant that, one day, Codi would be able to live a normal life surrounded by incredible hoomans. But, what they didn’t know was that this was just around the corner.
As the Pennsylvania SPCA made sure to get the word out that this sweet boy was looking for a home – posting him on their social media and even advertising him on their local news – a loving family noticed him and completely fell in love.
Only one month after being found paralyzed inside of a trash bag, Codi found his forever home!

“The odds may have seemed against him, but he never gave up and last week, it all paid off when he found his forever home!” Pennsylvania SPCA wrote in a Facebook post about Codi’s adoption.
The SPCA staff were overjoyed!
The fact that Codi was so determined and able to turn his life around completely in such a short period brought smiles to their faces. They will never forget his resilience and bravery.
“His recovery was pretty remarkable. And though he’s still a little wobbly, he’s been adopted and is living the best life!” Gillian Kocher, Pennsylvania SPCA director of public relations, told The Dodo.
Codi forgot all about his past and is now living the life of any doggos dreams with a family who adores him for who he truly is.

Final Word
Even though I am so happy that Codi managed to get his happily ever after, the fact that he was so cruelly dumped in the first place breaks my heart.
I am aware that sometimes, hoomans are no longer able to care for their dogs, but abandoning them on the streets will never be the answer.
This is why shelters exist!
I am sure that if his previous owners surrendered Codi to their local shelter, this sweet boy would have recovered much faster and would have been able to move on in a healthier way.
Being separated from their hoomans can really take a toll on pups, but receiving love and reassurance from shelter staff can make the process a lot easier as it will allow them to understand that it is not their fault!
So if, for any reason, you can no longer care for your pup, please do not abandon it on the streets. Rather, take it to your local shelter and offer it a second chance – they deserve it.
What Can Happen to Your Body If You Drink Coffee First Thing in the Morning
A group of researchers from the University of Nevada-Reno discovered that coffee grounds can be used as biodiesel, and quite possibly in the near future, your car fumes will smell like a cup of freshly brewed cappuccino. But that very first cup of coffee that fuels most of us in the morning may not be the best way to start your day. In fact, doctors believe the best time to enjoy your cup of java is mid- to late-morning, between 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
We at Bright Side usually look forward to our first cup of coffee in the morning, but the effects it can have on your body when you drink it on an empty stomach can be a true wake-up call.
1. You may feel sleepier.

Coffee is a wake-up drink for many of us, but drinking it as soon as you roll out of bed may have the opposite effect. Caffeine doubles the levels of stress hormones and may lead to problems with sleep, which results in tiredness. If you start your day with a cup of cappuccino with sugar, you might feel sleepy again after a short period of time. This happens because our body produces insulin to offset the sugar, causing your blood glucose levels to drop, which results in a lack of energy and anxiety.
2. Your body may lose essential minerals more quickly.

Having your regular dose of coffee early in the morning can cause you to lose many essential vitamins and minerals. It can sabotage the absorption of iron, magnesium, and B vitamins which are vital to our nervous system. Too much caffeine can also leach calcium from your bones, making them weak and brittle.
3. It may upset your stomach.

While your beloved beverage will help you to wake up in the morning, it may also give you the urge to use the bathroom more often. In fact, some medical experts even recommend drinking coffee as a way to prepare for certain exams. Coffee activates our nervous system, which in turn affects the colon and may cause diarrhea. Many people also like adding milk or cream to their morning cup of java, and because most of us have difficulty digesting lactose, it may cause stomach discomfort as well.
4. It may lead to weight gain.

Although black coffee may help you burn fat, it can also upset your healthy sleep patterns. When you don’t get enough sleep, you tend to feel hungrier and have more cravings for sweet snacks. Many coffee beverages, like popular sweetened blends, are packed with sugar and calories and might cause you to gain extra pounds.
5. It can worsen anxiety.
When you wake up in the morning, your stress hormones levels are usually at their highest. Because caffeine is a stimulant, it gives your body a jittery effect and can even trigger anxiety attacks for some people.
6. It can dry out your skin.

Because coffee makes you use the restroom more often, it dehydrates your body. When you become dehydrated, it’s harder for toxins to exit the body through your skin. This, in turn, dries the skin out and makes it more vulnerable to various problems, like premature wrinkles.
7. It may raise your blood sugar level.

Your morning cup of coffee makes it harder for your cells to regulate blood sugar, which can lead to various diseases. High blood sugar, in turn, can lead to weight gain and even raise your risk of skin infections.
When do you usually drink your first cup of coffee? Have you noticed any of these side effects?
Preview photo credit Shutterstock.com
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