‘I’m Waiting for Mom,’ Girl Says to Park Janitor, Next Day He Sees Her Still Sitting at Same Spot – Story of the Day

A park janitor meets a lonely little girl who says she is waiting for her mom. He is surprised when he sees her again the next day, still sitting on the same bench, and calls the police.

Albert Fairchild was the custodian of a lovely old Victorian park in the middle of the city, and his time was spent making sure it was a little corner of heaven, a place where lovers met, and people went to get in touch with nature or for a little peace of mind.

He loved his job. Every day he wandered through the park, raking the paths, emptying the bins, and making sure everything was perfect, and twice a week, the city gardeners came around to take care of the lawns, trees, and plants.

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One afternoon, Albert saw a little girl sitting quietly at one of the park’s picnic tables, coloring in a picture book. She was surely no more than four or five, but she was all alone! Albert looked around, but he couldn’t see her parents. Something had to be wrong…

Albert approached the little girl and greeted her. “Hello there, little miss. What are you doing out here all on your own? Trying to catch the fairies?”

The little girl looked up at Albert. “You’re a stranger, and I’m not supposed to talk to strangers,” she said.

“No, you are not,” Albert agreed. “But you’ll see I’m not asking you to go anywhere with me, and I’m not offering you candy. I just want to know where your mom is and why you’re alone.”

“I’m waiting for mom,” the child said. “She had a job interview across the road, and she asked me to wait here for her. Mom said not to talk to strangers and not to go anywhere. I have my juice and a snack, and she will be back very soon!”

Nothing is impossible, so keep going until you accomplish what you want.

Albert frowned. It wasn’t exactly safe to leave a child in a public park, but he knew that sometimes single moms with no resources or family had to do the best they could — and it sounded as if this mom was unemployed and desperate to boot.

“What’s your name, little miss?” Albert asked.

The girl giggled. “My name is Margaret,” she said.

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“That’s a HUGE name!” exclaimed Albert. “It’s three times as big as you are!”

“My mom calls me Meg,” she confessed, laughing. “And I DON’T believe in fairies!”

Albert gasped and clutched at his heart. “I’m shocked, little miss Meg!” he laughed. “I believe in fairies. In fact, I see them all the time! I have to chase them away from the fountains ’cause they insist on taking showers and breaking the rainbows!”

Meg was grinning. “That’s a LIE!” she giggled. “That’s BAD!”

“Well,” Albert said. “I have a lot of work to do, but I’ll be keeping an eye on you, making sure the fairies don’t pull your pigtails. If you need me, Meg, just holler, and I’ll come running, OK?”

Albert walked away, but he kept glancing back over his shoulder. He wished he had a little person just like Meg in his life, a little granddaughter, but he knew it was not to be.

He could not help but pause his work and silently cry as the little girl reminded him of his own granddaughter and the fateful tragedy that toppled his life.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay

Five years ago, Albert was a cop who loved his duty more than anything else. At home, he was a loving and caring husband, a doting father, and an adorable grandfather. “But if it had not been for that day…” Albert reminisced about the fateful day.

It was a pleasant Sunday in May that year. Albert’s family was leaving on a much-awaited dream vacation by the sea in the neighboring city. He had taken a week off to enjoy himself with his family. Albert still remembered his granddaughter Emily running back inside to bring her teddy bear, Chelsea.

“How happy she was that morning!” he thought. Her laughter still haunted him because he never got to see her again. Albert wanted to drive and wouldn’t leave the driver’s seat even when his son-in-law, Josh, persuaded and pleaded.

“It’s your day, dad! I will drive. You need to rest and enjoy this trip,” he told Albert, who refused to get down from his minivan. Albert would’ve never moved out if it were not for a sudden call from the station.

“I’m on my way,” he spoke. “I got to go. I got an important lead for an investigation. You guys get going. I’ll catch up tomorrow evening!” he told his family. They were disappointed, especially little Emily. She wanted to sing songs and play with Albert.

“Sweetie, grandpa will be there tomorrow. It’s just a day!”

Albert and Emily blew endless flying kisses as the minivan sped past the gate. Albert left for work immediately, and it was almost time to return home in the evening when he got a call from the city station.

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An hour later, he was taken to the morgue in the city hospital. His heart dropped when four stretchers were wheeled out, the last was Emily’s. His whole world was destroyed in a car crash.

“The minivan lost control and rammed into a truck,” officers told him, patting his shoulder. In a wink, Albert had lost his family, and there was no coming back. No more laughter. No more vacations. And no more loud cries of a little girl shouting, ‘Grandpa! I’m home!’

Albert could not forgive himself. “I should have driven that minivan. I shouldn’t have allowed Josh to drive it,” he thought and cried over a million times. But nothing was going to change.

“Jose, I should’ve canceled that trip. I should’ve never let them go,” he cried to his best friend at the funeral, placing Emily’s teddy bear, Chelsea, on her grave.

Days, months, and five years passed. These questions still haunted Albert, but it didn’t matter to him. He knew he had lost his family forever. They were not going to come back; it was the ugly truth he had learned to embrace over time.

Albert could not focus on his work. The cop job he loved became a constant reminder of his tragic life. He quit it and started taking care of the park. He just wanted to stay away from everything that reminded him of his loss.

A gush of wind snapped Albert to the present as he wiped away his tears. The evening sun irritated his teary eyes as he looked around for the little girl. “Where is she??” he exclaimed when he saw Meg was not in her place.

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Albert hastily looked around the park for the girl. But she was not there. “Maybe her mother took her,” he thought. Convinced Meg had gone home, Albert finished raking the lawn and went home.

But the following morning, when he returned to the park, he saw Meg again, sitting in the same spot, wearing the same dress, and holding her teddy. Albert was stunned.

“Hey, there, little miss!” he greeted the girl. “What are you doing here so early?”

“Mommy didn’t come,” she disappointedly said. “She never came for me.”

“What?? Where did you go last evening, then? And where did you sleep?”

“Home,” Meg replied, resting her teary face on her teddy. She refused to look up at Albert. She was least interested in talking to him and kept looking around to see if her mother had come to take her.

“What happened to her mother?” Albert wondered.

“Hey, there, I’m a former policeman. You can trust me, alright?” he said. “I’m afraid your mother got lost in this huge city. Can you take me to your home? We will find your mother, alright?”

But Meg wouldn’t move. Her strong belief her mother would come for her didn’t let her move from that bench.

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“Meg, listen, I know you are frightened. But there’s nothing to be afraid of. You can trust me, okay? What’s your mother’s name?”

When Meg told Albert her mother’s name, she had difficulty pronouncing the surname. Albert asked Meg to repeat the word several times because he knew he could not search for her mother without knowing the surname. He needed her full name to probe everywhere, including online databases. After hearing Meg out repeatedly, Albert guessed her mom’s surname could be ‘D’Cruz.’

“Listen, we need to go to your home. Do you want to see your mother?”

“Yes, I want to see mommy,” Meg replied, finally looking at Albert.

“Then take me to your house.”

Moments later, Meg led Albert to a tarp tent under a secluded bridge not far from the park’s entrance. “This is my home,” she pointed.

Albert partially understood Meg and her mother were homeless. He inspected the tarp tent that barely had an old mattress and a camping stove with a pot smelling of stale porridge. There were a few old clothes of Meg’s in the tent, but no photos or pictures. At first glance, he thought Meg’s mother could’ve abandoned her. But something still didn’t add up to him.

“How long have you been living here?” he asked the girl.

“Few weeks,” replied Meg. “We once had a big house. But big, angry men in uniform shouted at my mommy for not giving money. Mommy cried, and even I cried. They threw our things out, and mommy brought me here.”

Albert once again checked the tent for clues but apparently found nothing that could help him find Meg’s mother. “Do you have your mother’s photo?”

“No, I had one, but it’s with mommy.”

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Albert was puzzled about what to do next. “I cannot leave the girl alone here,” he thought, and before he could fathom anything, Meg asked him to take her back to the park.

“Mommy told me to wait there and not go anywhere. If she comes, she will scold me. Please take me to the park.”

Albert did not know what to do and agreed. Meg and he returned to the park, and he sat her down on the bench. Albert knew Meg would have starved the whole night, so he gave her his lunch.

“Mommy told me not to eat from strangers,” Meg refused, but her eyes and nose couldn’t deny the delicious aroma of the pie in Albert’s lunch box.

Ummm, that tastes delicious. Sweet. Ummm,” Albert ate a spoonful in front of Meg. “If you don’t want it, I’ll eat it fully. I can finish the whole pie in two minutes. You sure you don’t want it?!”

Meg grabbed the lunchbox and started devouring the pie. Albert was pleased his trick worked and went on with his work while Meg waited for her mother.

Hours passed, and it was close to sundown, but her mom never came. Meg burst into tears, and Albert’s heart wouldn’t allow him to leave her alone again.

“Do you want to go home with me? We will come back tomorrow and wait for your mother, alright?” he asked Meg.

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Meg agreed and went home with Albert. “Yeah, I only know her name is Margaret. But I don’t have a clue about her mother. Could you please let me know? She said her mom has blonde hair, is tall, age must be around 24 or 25, I guess,” Albert informed his former colleagues in the department.

Meg could not spell her mother’s name accurately and gave vague descriptions of her appearance. But Albert could not say anything for sure. He made out a name and a surname using Meg’s broken spellings but was unsure if it was correct.

“When will mommy come?” Meg asked Albert.

“She will come soon, sweetie. Now go to that room and change your dress. You’ll find a lot of clothes in the little cupboard. I’ll make dinner meanwhile.”

Meg returned minutes later wearing Emily’s pajamas. She ran around Albert as he whisked the eggs and giggled to an old song playing on the gramophone. For the first time in five years, Albert never felt lonely.

Albert was on the phone the whole night as Meg slept in Emily’s room. He wanted to find her mother at any cost and was busy working at it with his friends.

“No, pal,” an officer called him late at night. “We even checked reports of murders of young women with similar descriptions and surnames, but no lead. There were no instances reported recently.”

Albert sighed, assured Meg’s mother was alive somewhere. While putting out the lights in Emily’s room, he saw Meg curled up and fast asleep on her bed.

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Albert was up until the wee hours, gathering contact details of hospitals in the city. He suddenly woke up when the morning rays irritated his sleepy eyes. He was exhausted and had slept off in his armchair.

“Oh my God, Meg??” he ran to check on her, thinking she would’ve gone to the park alone while he was dozing. “Jesus, thank goodness!” he sighed when he saw she was still fast asleep.

Albert then contacted every hospital in the city to find out about Meg’s mother. He even reached out to a friend in the morgue, but nothing helped. Nobody had heard about the woman with his description and surname.

Albert was puzzled about what to do next. “Cops will hardly try and carefully look for a homeless woman. And if I have to send her to a foster home, she’ll likely never see her mother again,” he thought. Then, Albert realized that the only reliable way to help Meg was to search for her mother on his own. It was not for nothing he was a cop for 30 years.

Albert brought Meg to the park every day and sat her in the exact spot her mother last left her. He asked his friends to watch over her while he searched for the missing woman. Albert knew he could not do all this while working, so he took a few days off.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

He first started visiting all the homeless shelters in the city and neighboring towns. “Her name is Candy D’Cruz… Do you know someone with that name?” he asked almost everyone he encountered.

He checked with all the offices that had a “We’re Hiring” sign to find out if Meg’s mother had, by chance, attended any interviews. He even checked in several refuges he knew of, but nothing turned up. Nobody had seen a woman with the name Candy D’Cruz.

Albert even searched on social media and showed Meg the photos of several women with similar names, but none of them was her mother. He checked every street and traffic camera near the park but could not find a clue.

A month passed, and Albert almost lost hope of finding Meg’s mother. All his attempts were fruitless. But Meg never gave up and refused to do anything other than visit the park daily, waiting for her mother from dawn to dusk.

“How will mommy find me if I’m not there,” she often argued with Albert. One morning, as they left for the park, it started raining.

“Sweetie, I’ll take you to the park tomorrow. You’ll catch a cold,” Albert told Meg, but she was stubborn.

“No, we’ll go and wait there. Mommy will come,” she said.

Albert could not convince her. They took a bus to the park as they could not walk in the rain. The route was longer and passed several stations. And while crossing one such station, Meg started shouting.

“There she is! There is mommy!”

Albert was startled. “Where??” he rose from his seat. He thought she’d confused somebody else for her mother but still asked the driver to stop the bus.

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Albert quickly helped Meg out of the bus and hastily looked around at all the women he noticed. “Where is she??” he asked her.

Meg tugged his arm to a billboard on a sidewalk and pointed, shouting, “There…That’s my mommy!”

“Where? Which one??” Albert asked her.

“There…the second from the left…She’s my mommy…She’s my mommy!!”

The words on the billboard read: “Do You Know Me? Please Call On This Number” next to the name “Cadence Delacruz.” He gasped in shock after learning Meg’s mother’s name was Cadence, not Candy.

“What is written there?” Meg interrupted.

“It’s an advertisement for lost people,” he told her.

“What is that? What does it mean??”

“It means we are going to find your mother!!” Albert carried Meg cheerfully as he called the number on the billboard.

“City hospital,” the attendant answered. “Yes, she was admitted here.”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Getty Images

When they got to the hospital, they were told Meg’s mother had already left. “Mommy has gone? Where did she go?” Meg started to cry.

“Sweetie, hold on…One second,” Albert comforted her.

“How did she come here? What happened to her?” he asked the nurse.

“She was brought here with a severe head injury over a month ago. She’d suffered from a traumatic brain injury that caused amnesia,” the nurse said.

“Where is she? We want to see her,” Albert asked her.

“She needed expensive treatment. She was in a coma for a few weeks and could not recall anybody when she woke up. Nobody came to take her. We even advertised her name and picture, but nobody turned up. She was discharged last week and sent to a shelter for the homeless.”

Albert was afraid Meg would lose her mother again. He then rushed to the shelter with the girl.

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Meg clutched Albert’s little finger as she looked around for her mother. Then she ran as fast as her little legs could carry her toward a bed in a corner.

“MOMMY!!” she cried and ran to her mother. “Mommy, where did you leave me and go?”

Cadence had a photo of them together and remembered Meg was her daughter as soon as she saw her and heard her call her mommy.

“I don’t know, sweetie,” she burst into tears.

Albert was speechless and moved at seeing Meg laughing and crying with her mother. “You need to come with me,” he interrupted.

“Where? And who are you?” Cadence asked.

“I’m Albert. I’m a janitor in the park. I found your daughter…” he paused. “I’ll explain everything later. You and Meg need to come home with me now.”

Albert took Cadence home and offered to stay in his house as long as she wanted. He spent all his savings on her treatment. It took several months before Cadence could recall some crucial moments of her life. Being around her daughter helped her to a great extent. Gradually, Cadence remembered everything, and Albert was curious to know how she had hurt herself.

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“My husband had mortgaged our house,” she recalled. “I was not able to pay the loan after he died in an accident. Our house was taken, and then I rented a small room with my daughter. I lost my job, and my landlord kicked us out for not paying rent.”

After she was stranded on the street, Cadence could not find a job almost immediately. She did not want her daughter to live in the shelter for the homeless, so they temporarily camped in the tarp tent under the bridge.

Albert felt sorry for Cadence and sighed with relief things ended well for her and Meg. “But how did you get hurt?” he asked her.

Cadence recalled that fateful day and broke down.

“I was going for a job interview. I left my daughter in the park because I thought leaving her alone in the tent would be unsafe. I told her to wait there until I came,” Cadence revealed.

“I remember I slipped and fell in the underpass. My head hit the edge of the staircase, and I blacked out. When I woke up, I was in the hospital. I could not remember anything.”

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“I’m glad you are safe, my dear. And I’m really happy Meg found you. She missed you so much,” Albert teared up.

Cadence and her daughter lived with Albert until she found a job. A few months later, she dated Frank, a widower with two children, and married him.

Cadence and Meg moved into their new house and were always thankful to Albert for his help. He was happy for them, although he knew he would miss Meg terribly.

Time passed, but Meg and her mother never forgot Albert. They became a part of his family and constantly visited him on the weekends, and every summer, they even vacationed together by the sea.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

What can we learn from this story?

  • Nothing is impossible, so keep going until you accomplish what you want. Despite having little to no leads in tracking down Meg’s mother, Albert never gave up. Ultimately, he reunited the lost little girl with her mother.
  • Only light can drive out darkness; Only love can drive out sorrow. Albert was distraught after losing his family in an accident. His life was a dark hollow until he met little Meg in the park.

Tell us what you think, and share this story with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.

This Girl Was Traded to an Older Man for Money as a Child — Now She’s a Famous Actress who Managed to Reconcile with Her 3 Daughters

This future star had a difficult upbringing because of her mother, who traded her for a few hundred bucks and was a chronic drinker. She overcame everything, had a successful profession, and is now a mother of three daughters.

Some Historical Details Regarding the Actress
Demi Gene Guynes is her birth name, and she was born on November 11, 1962. After just two months of marriage, her mother Virginia King was abandoned by her birth father, Air Force Airman Charles Harmon Sr.

Her parents had split up by the time this future celebrity was born. Her mother remarried Dan Guynes, a newspaper advertising salesperson, when she was three months old. Their frequent employment changes caused them to have to move multiple times, as her stepfather did.

She had two eye surgeries at the age of twelve to treat severe strabismus. She also experienced kidney disease, and when she was thirteen, she learned the truth about her biological father. She moved in with her grandma while still a teenager, leaving her mother behind.

Before enrolling in acting school, Demi Moore joined with the Elite Modeling Agency and enrolled at Fairfax High School, which she left in her junior year. She married musician Freddy Moore in 1981, adopting his last name for the duration of her successful creative career, which coincided, fortunately, with her breakthrough year.


She started acting in 1981, first in “General Hospital” and then in the movie “Choices.” After that, she acted in films such “No Small Affair” and “Blame It on Rio” from 1984. She began to gain notoriety in 1985 after starring in “St. Elmo’s Fire.”


With “About Last Night,” Demi experienced a favorable career turning point the following year. Jerry Zucker’s 1990 romantic fantasy thriller “Ghost” is her most popular film, nevertheless. With performances in “A Few Good Men,” “Indecent Proposal,” and “Disclosure,” the actress rose to the A-list.

She rose to the top of Hollywood’s pay scale in 1995 because to her performance in “Striptease.” She had a successful career, but her marriage to Freddy was short-lived—it lasted barely five years.

She rose to the top of Hollywood’s pay scale in 1995 because to her performance in “Striptease.” She had a successful career, but her marriage to Freddy was short-lived—it lasted barely five years.

She wed Bruce Willis in 1987, and the two went on to become one of the most well-known pairs until their divorce in 2000. Tallulah Belle, Scout LaRue, and Rumer Glenn were the couple’s three offspring. In 2005, following her divorce from Bruce, she entered into her third marriage.

2013 saw the dissolution of the star’s marriage to Ashton Kutcher. Demi disclosed that she miscarried in the sixth month of her pregnancy, albeit she did not go on to have children with the younger actor.

On September 24, 2019, Demi released her candid autobiography. Her difficult upbringing, the challenges she overcame, and her resiliency were all detailed in the book “Inside Out.” One topic covered in her autobiography, which became an instant number-one New York Times bestseller, was her challenging upbringing.

The bond between Demi and her mother
The actress discussed her childhood in the book, revealing that her parents struggled with alcoholism and that she was reared in a home where there were arguments, infidelity, and frequent moves. Demi’s mother tried suicide when she was just 12 years old, and Demi had to save her from an overdose.

With her father holding her lips open, Demi had to remove the medications her mother had attempted to consume. That was only one of countless incidents like it. When she discovered her parents’ marriage license when she was thirteen, she came to the conclusion that Dan Guynes, the man she had known as her father, was not actually her biological father.

Her mother had lied to her when she had inquired if Dan was her father. Demi asked her Texas-based aunt when she was there, and eventually she invited her biological father to stay. Virginia never intended for her daughter to be aware of her biological father.

Demi realized that her mother had felt protective, but she also felt deceived by everyone but herself. Virginia took her out to clubs as a teenager, hoping that men would notice them. Her mother firing her at the age of fifteen was another extremely traumatic incident that permanently defined her adolescence. It is said that Virginia traded her to a friend who then sexually assaulted her.



The actress mentioned that the man disclosed the $500 he had provided her adolescent mother to be with her when she spoke with Diane Sawyer of “Good Morning America” about her memoir. She doesn’t think her mother sold her, despite the fact that it was a terrible experience.

She did, however, accuse her mother of placing her in danger and allowing a male to access her body. She was aware that Virginia was unable to keep her safe, though. Later on, Demi had children of her own and found it difficult to raise them well.

What Kind of Mother Did Demi Play?
Following the release of her book, Demi appeared on numerous TV shows where she discussed her difficult upbringing and bond with her mother. She recalled that she had taken up the role of caring for her mother following Dan and Virginia’s separation.

Because her mother was an alcoholic at the time, taking care of her was difficult. Demi’s stepfather, who was 37 at the time, killed himself two years after she and her mother split up. Only his suicide made Virginia’s alcoholism worse.


Demi severed her relationship with her mother in 1990 when she left a paid rehabilitation stay. But the actress made amends with Virginia prior to her 1998 cancer death.

Tallulah, the star’s daughter, also had a tense connection with her mother, similar to how the actress felt about her own mother. The difficult connection between Tallulah and Demi started after the actress was wed to Ashton.

The mother-daughter duo struggled to communicate with each other. Tallulah felt abandoned because the actress struggled with addiction and was reliant on Ashton.

Tallulah felt even more abandoned after Rumer and Scout moved out. She thought the actress had forgotten about her and had stopped loving her. Tallulah admitted that she hadn’t spoken to Demi in almost three years in a Mother’s Day 2020 Instagram post, and the occasion made it even more painful for her.

But Tallulah had “a metamorphosis of inward self-reflection,” and her capacity for forgiveness made their separation possible to end. Now that she and her well-known mother have made amends, Demi plays a vital role in her life.

She often pondered the kind of relationship she would have had with a 26-year-old Demi had they crossed paths back then. Tallulah assumed they would have laughed a lot, but she said that she now “revel[ed] in all that” her mother has taught and is teaching her.

“I see where you came from and what this day means for you.”

She affectionately ended her statement by praising her mother’s every flaw and saying that she loved the actress “eternally.” Demi had her kids look over the book’s draft and make suggestions, but none of them made any changes.

Scout expressed her pride in the actress for having at last done some introspection after spending so much time in survival mode. According to the star’s daughter, Demi’s memoir demonstrated how at ease and secure she is in her own skin.

Nonetheless, the book brought up some awkward memories for the three siblings, who have also battled with substance abuse and difficulties related to their bodies. Scout acknowledged that they were challenged by the book since their mother tried to share the most vulnerable aspects of her life, which also happened to be the most painful for their daughter.

The book provided Rumer with additional in-depth information about their mother’s past. She believed that while kids thought their parents were gods, as they got older, they realized they were simply regular humans.

Demi and her kids are closer than ever these days. Because of their intimacy, they were placed in quarantine together during the coronavirus outbreak. Bruce together with his spouse and kids were part of the family. They demonstrated their unity as a blended family in a statement from February 2023, when they supported Bruce in his battle against his 2022 aphasia diagnosis.

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