Huge News : MTG Is Trying To Finish Fani Willis

After former Trump Campaign officiaI Michael Roman alleged that Fulton County District Attorney acted in an incorrect way when she appointed Nathan Wade to be one of the special prose cutors in the case against Donald Trump and more than a dozen of his 2020 campaign officiaIs and lawyers, Rep. MTG demanded that Georgia Governor Brian Kemp take action against Willis. Gov. Kemp just refused to do so.

As background, MTG demanded action in a letter to Governor Kemp in which she, after summarizing what Willis allegedly did, explained what Georgia Code provisions she might have vioIated, saying, “And now we are learning she has allegedly enriched her secret boyfriend and herself during this process.

If proven true, these actions reflect Fani Willis’ serious lawlessness, including potential vioIation of public oath (Ga. Code Ann., § 16-10-1), bribery (Ga. Code Ann., § 16-10-2), improper influence of a government official (Ga. Code Ann., § 16-10-5), criminal conspiracy (Ga. Code Ann., § 16-4-8), conspiracy to defraud government (Ga. Code Ann., § 16-10-21), racketeering (Ga. Code Ann., §§ 16-14-1 through 12), false statements and concealment (Ga. Code Ann., § 16-10-20), Fulton County’s gift ban (Fulton County Code of Laws § 2-69(a)), and similar Georgia public-corruption cri mes.

Georgia statute states “the district attorney shall take the following oath: ‘I do swear that I will faithfully and impartially and without fear, favor, or affection discharge my duties as district attorney and will take only my lawful compensation. So help me God.’

If Fani Willis took kickbacks—in the form of lavish trips—from her unqualified boyfriend she appointed with government funds, she vioIated her oath and many Georgia criminaI statutes.”

Concluding, she then demanded a crimina investigation into DA Willis, saying, Thus, I request you order the immediate and formal criminaI investigation into the alleged criminaI misconduct by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, along with her special Trump prosecutor and alleged boyfriend Nathan Wade, pursuant to your authority under Georgia statute.

Later, the Georgia congresswoman said that she has high expectations for Governor Kemp and AG Christ Carr to initiate an investigation into Willis. “I really have high expectations of Governor Kemp and our Attorney General Chris Carr,” Greene said. “There should be a crimina investigation.” She also added, “If he [Kemp] ignores this, then he’s showing an extreme political bias.”

Gov. Kemp has refused to do so. A spokesperson for him, explaining why in a statement to Breitbart News, said, The Congresswoman has every right to refer her complaint to the oversight commission once the legislative process concludes this session and the commission begins full operations.

That spokesperson added, “Just last year, the Georgia General Assembly laid out a specific oversight process for district attorneys that is transparent and unbiased, which the governor supported and signed into law.”

The dark-skinned model and the blue-eyed blond had children. Their appearance shows all the best from their parents.

The model with dark skin was married to a blonde with blue eyes. And now they have incredibly beautiful children that embody the best traits from both parents. Look at them now.

People have heard about this unusual couple all around the world. While the pair strolls around the streets of their home country of Australia, people are intrigued about them.

Everyone’s attention is focused on the couple. Would function even now! She’s a dark-skinned female of amazing beauty, and he’s a blonde with blue eyes. It is a wonder to all of us how two such different people met and fell in love!

And things were like this. The two met on the internet. The man saw his future wife’s profile on a dating website. He fell head over heels in love with her right away in the photo. But this is hardly surprising, considering the stranger was a model. Many individuals can be envious of her appearance and body.

When they initially met, the girl accepted them. That was the beginning of their love story, and two years later he proposed to her. There in the middle of the town square, he proposed to his sweetheart. She agreed. This touching event was captured on camera.

Regardless, the video went viral very quickly! As word of the unusual pair spread online, people began to follow them. There was no animosity, and everyone was happy for the new family.

The wedding took place really swiftly. Everyone just wanted the newlyweds to be married and get a family as soon as possible. It was difficult to even imagine their children looking as stunning as they did.

The couple’s girl was incredible. She sincerely internalized the virtues modeled by her parents.

Two years later, the girl had a sister. The baby is just a year old, but everyone knows right away that the sisters will grow up to be incredibly beautiful young women.

The two are just doing it for fun. She writes blogs, and he takes pictures. They are incredibly devoted to each other and their children. They also provide more proof that love truly is the supreme force in the universe. Moreover, obstacles resulting from distinctions in race, nationality, or appearance cannot break through her.

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