The sad reason why Meghan Markle & Queen Camilla became ‘enemies,’ revealed

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle left the Royal Family frustrated and angered when they decided their time as active members of the monarchy was up. Of course, things hardly got better when they launched a series of allegations against King Charles and co., sparking an ongoing feud that has no end in sight.

Charles was accused of not being a good father by Harry, while her termed Queen Camilla the “wicked” stepmother. Meghan Markle also made a bombshell claim of racism within the Royal Family. The royals have not responded to any of the allegations, and the rift today between the Sussexes and the monarchy is more profound than ever. No one knows if or when it will come to a close, but one rumored to want to protect the royals at any cost is Queen Camilla.

By all accounts Camilla has been very protective her husband where Harry is concerned. Of course, once upon a time, she and the Sussexes got along well, with it said that the Queen Consort tried to help Meghan settle into royal life. Then one event changed everything. Or, more specifically, one picture changed everything – and it prompted the beginning of the end for Meghan’s royal tenure.

When Prince Harry introduced Meghan Markle to the Royal Family, his stepmother, Queen Camilla, had already been a part of the Firm for years. She and King Charles married in 2005 and Camilla – like Meghan – underwent plenty of scrutiny.

Meghan Markle

Harry and Meghan began dating in 2016, but it only took months before the press was all over the then-Suits actress. Ultimately, things reached a point where Harry himself felt he had to take a stand against it.

In a statement issued by the prince’s communications secretary, Harry publicly claimed that Meghan had been the subject of a wave of harassment. The statement outlined how the Duke rarely took formal action over “fictional stories” published in the press but that “the past week has seen a line crossed.”

“Some of this has been very public – the smear on the front page of a national newspaper; the racial undertones of comment pieces; and the outright sexism and racism of social media trolls and web article comments,” Harry’s statement read.

“Some of it has been hidden from the public – the nightly legal battles to keep defamatory stories out of papers; her mother having to struggle past photographers in order to get to her front door; the attempts of reporters and photographers to gain illegal entry to her home and the calls to police that followed; the substantial bribes offered by papers to her ex-boyfriend; the bombardment of nearly every friend, co-worker, and loved one in her life.”

At the time, BBC royal correspondent Peter Hunt said that there were “those in Buckingham Palace who’ll appreciate his pain.” One of those who certainly understood what Meghan was going through was Camilla, who decided to act.

How Queen Camilla tried helping Meghan Markle settling in to royal life

Camilla did her best to help Meghan adjust to royal life. Shortly before her wedding to Harry, Camilla invited Meghan to a private lunch and shared how the press treated her after Princess Diana’s death, as well as how she coped with the pressure.

According to the Daily Mail, Camilla advised Meghan to focus on the positive sides of her role within the Royal Family and “ride out the storm if negative press would occur.”

Charles was said to have offered similar advice to Harry.

However, Meghan appeared to feel differently. In an ITV documentary, she claimed people didn’t care about her well-being, saying: “Not many people have asked if I’m OK.”

“Meg was really grateful to Camilla, who was very supportive and invited her out for private lunches, particularly around the time of her marriage,” a friend of Meghan told the Daily Mail. “She listened to her and understood that it’s really difficult joining the Royal Family from an otherwise ‘normal’ life.”

The friend added: “Much like Meghan, Camilla had experienced a lot of negative press and hostility from courtiers due to her relationship with Charles when he was still married to Diana.”

Meghan Markle speaks to King Charles and Queen Camilla
Chris Jackson/Chris Jackson/Getty Images

“She was very sensitive to Meghan and provided her with support, advising her to ride out the storm and that it would all pass – but ultimately Meghan didn’t listen.”

“She tries very hard to make people welcome”

Meanwhile, a palace aid told the Mail that Camilla understood what it was like for one to come from a “normal life” before suddenly finding themselves in the world’s loftiest, most famous royal family.

“As a consequence, she tries very hard to make people welcome and help them find their feet, and has done so for many years,” the palace source said.

“Her consciously offering to mentor and guide is something that she really does try and do. That applies to many people, not just the Duchess of Cambridge and the Duchess of Sussex.”

That Harry and Meghan’s future didn’t lie with the Royal Family became apparent in the year after their 2018 wedding. Some experts claim that the couple thought about possibly leaving just days after the wedding, but in any case, in January 2020, the statement that they wouldn’t stay on as senior working members of the Royal Family was released.

Meghan Markle then made several bombshell accusations against the royals in the now-infamous Oprah Winfrey interview of 2021, citing why she and Harry felt they couldn’t stay. Although the royals haven’t commented on any of the accusations made by the Sussexes, it sadly appears there were other reasons as to why their position within the monarchy became untenable.

The Royal Family
Phil Harris – WPA Pool/Getty Images

One negative aspect of their royal tenure was that Meghan and Kate Middleton didn’t get along, but the former’s relationship with Camilla also reportedly went down the drain.

Meghan Markle ‘sparked a war‘ with Queen Camilla over pictures

But whose fault was that? One story concerns a picture that was said to have made Camilla furious, marking the beginning of the end.

In 2020, just weeks before the Sussexes left royal life behind, Camilla was scheduled to attend the 10th Anniversary of the Women of the World festival. There, she was to deliver a speech, and it was reported that Meghan promised not to stand in her way.

The Mirror wrote that Camilla and her team had planned the event for over a year. But once there, Meghan stole the spotlight, which upset Camilla.

“Camilla’s work is very important to her and her decision to highlight the scourge of domestic violence at the 10th ­anniversary of Women of the World was a carefully thought-out plan,” a royal insider said.

“Of course it was known Harry and Meghan would be doing engagements this week, some privately, but everyone was in agreement that Camilla’s speech should take p­recedence. ­Unfortunately some people had other ideas.”

Meghan Markle attends the Children's Hospital Los Angeles Gala
Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images for Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

Meghan was accused of stealing Camilla’s spotlight by releasing pictures of herself at the event on the same day. As per the Daily Mail, Buckingham Palace had urged royal correspondents to focus on Camilla and not Meghan, but that didn’t happen.

“These kinds of ‘clashes’ are inevitable”

The Duchess reportedly insisted on publishing the photos and was to blame as they were ‘hastily’ published.

Speaking with The Sun last year, royal expert Duncan Larcome said Camilla’s irritation about the pictures is understandable.

“The ‘men in grey suits’ are at pains to avoid diary clashes and the prospect of one member of the family outshining the other on the same day. Camilla would be justified at being miffed to say the least. But as Harry and Meghan continue their work without any regard for the rest of the work of the Royal Family, these kinds of ‘clashes’ are inevitable,” he said.

Camilla has become a symbol for the Royal Family, not least because she has taken on a massive amount of responsibility amid King Charles’ cancer diagnosis and recovery. Harry and Meghan, meanwhile, are still working on rebuilding their image, so it could be argued that Camilla has gotten her revenge.

Harry and Meghan signed a massive deal with Spotify years ago. However, the deal ended in a fiasco, as Meghan’s Archetypes podcast was shut down, and their entire Spotify deal canceled.

Queen Camilla
Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

In the case of Queen Camilla, podcasts appear to be her thing.

Queen Camilla’s ‘revenge’ on Meghan Markle

In 2021, Camilla launched a new initiative called The Duchess of Cornwall’s Reading Room, a book club about reading recommendations and more. It was founded during the pandemic, became a huge success, and eventually a podcast.

“Camilla’s podcast has been a great success. She has proven many times over she can bring in any of the big names from the world of the arts she wants,” Editor-in-chief of Majesty Magazine Ingrid Seward told The Sun.

“Given Meghan’s apparent disinterest in Queen Camilla, I doubt if she has a nice word to say about her or her podcast.”

According to Denise Palmer Davies, brand expert and director of Borne Media, Camilla’s success is the “perfect revenge” on Meghan.

“After all the hurtful things Harry has said about Camilla, she has finally got her own back on them, she told The Sun. “I bet Meghan, in particular, will be livid over the whole thing and probably a bit embarrassed that hers fell at the first hurdle.”

Do you think Prince Harry and Meghan will ever make amends with the Royal Family or not? Please share this article on Facebook with friends and family and give us your opinion!

A Stranger Volunteered to Hold My Grandson at the Laundromat — His Next Action Left Me Breathless

When my washing machine broke while I was babysitting my grandson, I reluctantly headed to the laundromat. A kind stranger offered to help by holding the baby while I sorted clothes. Grateful, I accepted, but when I turned around minutes later, I saw something that made my blood run cold.

I’d been counting down the days, practically bursting with excitement. My first weekend alone with little Tommy, my precious grandson. At 58, I thought I’d seen it all, done it all. But nothing could have prepared me for the rollercoaster of emotions that lay ahead.

The day finally arrived. Sarah, my daughter, and her husband Mike pulled up in their sensible SUV, packed to the brim with what looked like enough baby gear to stock a small daycare.

“Mom, you sure you’re gonna be okay?” Sarah asked for what felt like the millionth time, her brow furrowed with that new-mom worry I remembered all too well.

I waved her off with a confident smile. “Honey, I raised you, didn’t I? We’ll be just fine. Now scoot! You two deserve this break.”

As they drove away, I turned to Tommy, nestled in my arms, his tiny fingers curled around my thumb. “It’s just you and me now, little man,” I cooed. “We’re gonna have the best time.”

I had it all planned out: cuddles, bottles, naps, and playtime, all neatly scheduled. What could possibly go wrong?

Famous last words.

It started with a gurgle. Not the adorable baby kind, but the ominous rumble of my ancient washing machine giving up the ghost.

I stared at the growing puddle on my laundry room floor, surrounded by a mountain of tiny onesies and burp cloths.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I muttered, feeling my perfect weekend plans crumble. Tommy chose that moment to unleash an impressive spit-up all over his last clean outfit.

I took a deep breath. “Okay, Grammy’s got this. We’ll just pop down to the laundromat. No big deal, right?”

Oh, how wrong I was.

The local laundromat was a relic from the ’80s, all buzzing fluorescent lights and the acrid smell of too much detergent.

I juggled Tommy, the diaper bag, and an overflowing laundry basket, feeling like I was performing some sort of demented circus act.

“Need a hand there, ma’am?”

I turned to see a man about my age, all salt-and-pepper hair and a grandfatherly smile.

Under normal circumstances, I might have politely declined. But with Tommy starting to fuss and my arms about to give out, that offer of help was too tempting to resist.

“Oh, would you mind? Just for a moment while I get this started,” I said, relief flooding through me.

He reached for Tommy, his weathered hands gentle as he cradled my grandson. “No trouble at all. Reminds me of when my own were little.”

I turned to the washing machine, fumbling with quarters and detergent pods. The familiar motions were soothing, and I found myself relaxing. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.

That’s when I felt it. A prickle at the back of my neck, a sudden silence that felt oppressive. I glanced back, more out of instinct than any genuine concern.

My heart stopped.

Tommy, my precious baby grandson, had something bright and colorful in his tiny mouth. A Tide pod. And that “helpful” stranger? He was just standing there, smiling like everything was fine.

“No!” The scream tore from my throat as I lunged forward, my hands shaking so badly I could barely grab Tommy.

I pried the pod from his mouth, my mind reeling with horrible possibilities. What if I hadn’t turned around? What if he’d swallowed it?

I turned back to the strange man in a fury.

“What were you thinking?” I yelled at the man, clutching Tommy to my chest. “Don’t you know how dangerous these are?”

He just shrugged, that infuriating smile still in place. “Kids put everything in their mouths. No harm done.”

“No harm done? Are you mad?” I snatched up a detergent pod and thrust it toward him. “Here, why don’t you eat one then and we’ll see how it agrees with you!”

The man raised his hands and backed away. “What? No ways. It’s not like he got any, he was just nibbling on the edge…”

“Nibble on the edge then!” I snapped. I was practically stuffing the pod in his mouth at this point, I was so angry!

“Leave me alone, you crazy Karen!” The man tugged the pod from my fingers and threw it aside. “Fine thanks I’m getting for trying to help you.”

I wanted to shake him, to make him understand the gravity of what could have happened. I may well have done something crazy too, but Tommy was crying now, big hiccuping sobs that matched the frantic beating of my heart.

“You, are an absolute menace!” I yelled at the man as I started grabbing my things. “And an idiot, too, if you think it’s harmless to let kids chew on whatever they put in their mouths.”

I snatched up the washing basket, not caring about the wet clothes left behind or the quarters wasted.

All that mattered was getting Tommy out of there, away from that clueless man and his careless disregard for a baby’s safety.

The drive home was a blur. Tommy’s cries from the backseat felt like an accusation. How could I have been so stupid? So careless?

I’d handed my grandson over to a complete stranger, all because I was too proud to admit I might need more help than I’d thought.

Back home, I collapsed onto the couch, Tommy held tight against me. He was still crying, and I couldn’t help wondering if he’d swallowed some of the chemicals after all.

My hands were still shaking as I took out my phone and called my doctor. I couldn’t stop the tears that came, hot and heavy, when the receptionist picked up.

“Miss Carlson?” I sobbed. “This is Margo. Please, can I speak to Dr. Thompson? It’s urgent.”

The receptionist quickly put me through, and I explained everything to Dr. Thompson. He asked me a series of questions, like whether Tommy was vomiting or experiencing any trouble breathing.

“No, none of that, doctor,” I replied.

“It seems like you got lucky then, Margo,” he replied, “but keep a close eye on that grandson of yours and get him to the hospital immediately if he starts wheezing, coughing, or vomiting, okay?”

I promised I would, thanked Dr. Thompson, and ended the call. His words had given me some relief, but the “what ifs” kept playing through my mind like some horrible movie I couldn’t turn off.

What if I hadn’t looked back in time? What if Tommy had swallowed that pod? What if, what if, what if…

As the adrenaline faded, exhaustion set in. But even as my body begged for rest, my mind wouldn’t quiet.

The weight of responsibility I’d taken on hit me full force. This wasn’t like babysitting for a few hours. This was a whole weekend where I was solely responsible for this tiny, precious life.

I looked down at Tommy, now sleeping peacefully against my chest, unaware of how close we’d come to disaster. His little rosebud mouth, the one that had so nearly ingested something so dangerous, now puckered slightly in sleep.

“I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” I whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. “Grammy promises to do better.”

And in that moment, I made a vow. Never again would I let my pride or anyone else’s apparent helpfulness put Tommy at risk. From now on, it was just us: Grammy and Tommy against the world.

The rest of the weekend passed in a blur of hypervigilance. Every little sound had me on edge, every potential hazard magnified in my mind.

By the time Sarah and Mike returned, I was a wrung-out mess of nerves and sleep deprivation.

“Mom, are you okay?” Sarah asked, concern etching her features as she took in my disheveled appearance.

I plastered on a smile, handing over a happily gurgling Tommy. “Just fine, honey. We had a wonderful time, didn’t we, little man?”

As I watched them drive away, relief and guilt warred within me. I’d kept Tommy safe in the end. But the close call at the laundromat would haunt me for a long time to come.

I trudged back inside, eyeing the pile of still-unwashed laundry. With a sigh, I picked up the phone.

“Hello? I’d like to order a new washing machine, please. ASAP.”

Some lessons, it seems, come at a higher price than others. But if it meant keeping my grandson safe, no cost was too great. After all, that’s what being a grandmother is all about: love, learning, and sometimes, hard-won wisdom.

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