Dick Cavett’s 1972 Interview with Raquel Welch: The Secrets She Never Wanted You to Know

Raquel Welch is truly one of the most beautiful women to ever grace this planet. However, with all the attention on her looks and acting career, many people haven’t heard her speak from the heart.

That’s why, when I found her appearance on *The Dick Cavett Show*, I noticed something surprising…

First, let’s appreciate just how stunning and elegant Raquel Welch was in the early 1970s. She had no hair extensions, no Botox, and her natural hair color, without a tattoo in sight. She had a full figure, an intriguing personality, and a sharp mind. In my opinion, Welch is one of the most beautiful women to ever appear on screen.

### Underrated Genius

In a captivating 1972 interview on *The Dick Cavett Show*, Welch’s timeless beauty and elegance were clear. At about 32 years old, she radiated charm as she settled into the chair across from Dick Cavett.

The American television host, who ran *The Dick Cavett Show* from 1968 to 1988, was a skilled interviewer. He interviewed many famous film directors like Welles, Hitchcock, De Palma, and Scorsese, making each interview feel like a lesson in film.

Cavett had a talent for making his guests feel comfortable, drawing out engaging and thoughtful conversations. This interview showed Raquel in a way many had never seen — beyond her famous looks, revealing things I didn’t know about her.

### Broke Her Wrist

Welch’s appearance on *The Dick Cavett Show* was partly to promote her latest film, *Kansas City Bomber*.

In the movie, she played roller derby skater K.C. Carr — a woman trying to balance her desire for a happy personal life with her dreams of success.

The film featured many intense scenes from the matches, and according to Raquel, she performed most of her own stunts, which took a toll on her.

Raquel explained that she had to learn how to skate from the ground up for the role. The professional skaters in the film used a track with banked turns at a 45-degree angle, which made it even more difficult.

One day while practicing, she broke her wrist, causing the production to delay filming for about eight weeks.

“I had a lot of aches and pains for a long time,” Welch admitted.

### Recognize the Dress?

Those with sharp eyes might remember Welch’s stunning blue dress from her interview with Cavett. It was the same iconic gown she wore to the Oscars just a few months earlier. Talk about a fashion statement!

Raquel was ahead of her time in recycling outfits, and her Oscars gown wasn’t the only piece she repurposed. The beautiful dress she wore to the premiere of *The Godfather* was also the same one she wore at Elizabeth Taylor’s 40th birthday celebration in Budapest back in 1972.

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Who knew Raquel was such a trendsetter long before it became a popular term?


By the way, did you know that Welch’s wardrobe for public events was very different from her personal style? People always expected her to maintain her glamorous image, and she did so perfectly. However, when she wasn’t on the red carpet, Welch preferred simple pantsuits and comfortable clothing.

### Humorous Anecdote

For decades, Welch has been known as a sex symbol, with a lot of focus on her beautiful body. Yet, few people have had the chance to hear her talk openly, especially on serious topics that show her depth beyond her famous image.

During her time on *The Dick Cavett Show*, the *One Million Years B.C.* star discussed the difference between her glamorous on-screen persona and her real-life experiences. The conversation included her public image and the expectations placed on her as a female actress in a male-dominated sport.

Raquel shared a funny story from her experience promoting *Kansas City Bomber*, recalling an interesting press conference with sports writers.

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“I had a really interesting press conference when I first came into town to promote the film with all the sports writers. They said, ‘You know, you’re a nice-sized lady and all that, but you’re not exactly what I expected.’ I replied, ‘I know I always seem to disappoint people if I walk in the door and the door hinges don’t splinter off, like I should come in with a machete or something.’”

Some people who saw her in person were surprised by her size—she is only 5 feet 5½ inches tall with a small-boned frame, elegantly complemented by broad shoulders and beautiful olive skin.

Dick Cavett then adds, “I know people walked in and looked at you, and their reaction was, ‘There’s an attractive woman.’ But many didn’t realize it was you, even though they had seen you on screen.”

### “Downright Intoxicating”

Many viewers who watched the interview later (available on YouTube) have commented on Raquel Welch’s lovely voice. It seems some have forgotten about it because of the strong focus on her stunning images and posters over the years.

One YouTube user commented, “She becomes even more attractive when she speaks, downright intoxicating!”

Another commenter added, “I love the way she speaks; there is something unique and also time-stamped about it.”

Another viewer noted, “Raquel was not only stunning to look at; she had a wonderful voice and a captivating way of speaking.”

This detail shows that Raquel’s appeal went beyond just her looks; her voice added a special charm that still resonates with audiences today.

She was very articulate and well-spoken!

### Why Was Raquel Welch So Down-to-Earth?

Raquel Welch, who got her first name from a grandmother in Bolivia and her last name from a teenage marriage, described herself as a product of middle-class America.

She never forgot her roots and always stayed connected to the part of society that wasn’t filled with the glitz and glamour of Hollywood.

“I’m practical, but I also have dreams of how things ideally should be,” she once said.

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In her private life, Welch was often seen in comfortable, loose-fitting sweaters and classic blue jeans, with just a touch of eye makeup. Even with her great fame, she had a sweetness and gentleness that made her feel easy to approach.

During her interview with Dick Cavett, Welch seemed very sweet, gentle, and down-to-earth.

### Suffered from Alzheimer’s Disease

Welch was truly one of the most beautiful women to ever appear on screen. Not even Kim Kardashian, with all her surgeries, could compare to her beauty.

Raquel was something special, and we should be thankful to have experienced her brilliance. Sadly, she passed away from cardiac arrest on February 15, 2023, at her home in Los Angeles, at the age of 82. At the time of her death, she was also battling Alzheimer’s disease.

Let’s remember this amazing woman through her wonderful interview with Dick Cavett — a moment when Raquel Welch was at the peak of her career. Share this story if you also admired Raquel Welch!

Taylor Swift Apologizes to Fans: ‘I Didn’t Know Endorsing Kamala Would Be Such a Buzzkill’

Pop sensation Taylor Swift publicly apologized to her followers, acknowledging that she had greatly miscalculated the backlash following her recent endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris. The move has left both Swifties and political junkies stunned. Given her previous vocal political positions, Swift’s statement that surprised many was, “I didn’t know endorsing Kamala would be such a buzzkill.” Swift appears to be discovering the hard way that combining politics and music doesn’t always make for a harmonious blend.

Swift has positioned herself as a supporter of women’s rights, LGBTQ+ equality, and social justice for many years. Some have praised and others have attacked her progressive credentials, but up until now, she has been able to successfully negotiate the turbulent waters of public opinion without alienating her audience. Swift is already rushing to repair significant damage after it seems that a sizable portion of her fan base is offended by her recent support of Kamala Harris for president.

With a well-meaning Instagram post, it all began. In keeping with her trademark approach, which included tasteful wording, subdued lighting, and a picture-perfect cup of coffee in the background, Taylor Swift backed Kamala Harris, hailing the vice president as a “champion for women and justice.”

Swift said, “I believe in Kamala Harris,” pleading with her millions of fans to back the vice presidential candidate in the next election. As predicted, the post received millions of likes in a matter of hours. However, Swift was unprepared for the storm of criticism that followed, which came from her own followers.

Fans who were dissatisfied, incensed, and even heartbroken promptly left comments. One fan wrote, “When I became a Swiftie, I didn’t sign up for politics.” One more person said, “I adore your music, but this? This is excessive.

Some were less forgiving of Swift, even as many applauded her for utilizing her position to push for change. It turns out that some of Taylor’s followers were not happy with her endorsement, and they expressed their disapproval. Swift felt as though her ideal PR opportunity had vanished out of the blue.

Swift, who is normally so poised and collected, seems taken aback by the ferocity of the criticism. Thus, in an attempt to right the wrong, the singer released a self-aware and regretful statement.

“I apologize, everyone, I really had no idea that supporting Kamala would be such a downer,” Swift said in a video that was uploaded to her Instagram story. “I believed that everyone here shared our commitment to justice for everyone, women supporting women, and other positive ideas. However, I suppose that wasn’t what everyone wanted to hear from me.

Despite being playful and informal, the apology was obviously an attempt to win back some of the supporters she had offended with her political post. Although Swift is adamant about her support for Harris, she conceded that not everyone looks to her for political analysis. Swift remarked, seeming bashful, “You come to me for empowerment anthems, breakups, and love songs.” “I understand. I went too far.

Some fans were understanding of Swift’s effort to heal the rift, but others weren’t as kind. One former admirer wrote, “Too little, too late,” and said that Swift’s apology seemed “disingenuous.” Nevertheless, a lot of people applauded the pop singer for admitting her discomfort and trying to make apologies.

The apology itself seems to add further fuel to the flames. Swifties, who have always taken great satisfaction in their steadfast devotion to the singer, discovered that they might be divided into two groups: those who welcomed her apology and others who thought she had betrayed them by entering the political sphere through their beloved music.

One devoted follower said, “I’m glad Taylor’s owning up to her mistake.” She is human, and everybody make mistakes occasionally. She is still one of the greatest artists of all time, regardless of this.

For some, though, Swift’s apology fell short. Another admirer who has since stopped following Swift on social media stated, “She can apologize all she wants, but she’s lost me.” “I just want to listen to her music and not have to hear about politics.”

Swift’s apologies appeared to some to be an attempt to retrace her steps without completely withdrawing her support. Swift has made it apparent that she still supports Kamala Harris, despite the fact that she is now aware of the negative effects of her political stance. Swift declared, “I’m not withdrawing my support for Kamala.” But I apologize if it caused discomfort for a few of you. I never intended to do that.

Swift is hardly new to controversy, but it seems that this most recent incident has caused her to consider the difficult balancing act between her career as a pop singer and her advocacy for political causes. She apologized, acknowledging that she might have miscalculated the desire for political endorsements among her audience.

Swift stated, “Maybe I should keep in mind that not everyone comes to me for that. I’ve always believed in standing up for what I believe in.” It’s acceptable if some of you just want to groove to “Shake It Off.” I swear I’ll resume creating the songs you enjoy.

Swift is obviously attempting to balance upholding her morals with admitting that she might have gone too far in fusing her private life with her public persona. She said, “I’ll definitely think twice before making a political post again.” “I never want to cause alienation among my fans.”

What next steps does Taylor Swift take? Although it’s unlikely that this incident will have a major negative impact on Swift’s career, it’s obvious that she has gained important insight into the dangers of combining politics with entertainment. Swift’s apology may be a step in the right direction toward striking a balance between her private convictions and her public persona as a global pop icon in a world where every action made by celebrities is closely watched and analyzed by the public and the media.

Swift is getting back to what she does best for the time being: music. She hinted that the universal themes of love, heartbreak, and self-discovery would take center stage on her upcoming album instead of the challenges facing the entire world. She chuckled, “I think we all need a break from the heavy stuff.” “I swear, my next album will not feature any political content at all.”

It remains to be seen whether Taylor Swift’s apology can heal the split with her fan base, but one thing is certain: she is back in damage control mode and eager to put the politics behind her and focus on her music, which is what initially made her a success.

Ultimately, Swift may have needed to tell her most devoted Swifties that her endorsement of Kamala Harris was a “buzzkill” for them. After all, even famous pop stars occasionally misjudge the situation.

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