А Yоung Girl Sаng Аn 80-Yеаr-Оld Sоng. Whеn Тhе Аudiеnсе Неаrd Тhе Girl Тhеy Wеnt Сrаzy

Nobody knew what they were going to see as this little girl went on stage.

Some claim that this is the most amazing blind audition that has ever been captured on “The Voice Kids.” The judges rarely rotate their chairs so rapidly.

Anna Somewhere Over The Rainbow

When you hear Anna’s flawless performance of this 80-year-old classic, you’ll know you’re witnessing the rise of a rising star. If you close your eyes, you’ll believe that an angel is speaking to you.

1939 saw the writing of “Over the Rainbow.” Most people are familiar with every word. Seldom is anyone able to sing them well. Few vocalists since Judy Garland have been able to truly wow the entire world with their rendition.

Young Anna braved her audition on The Voice Kids, taking on the well-known song in the hopes that the judges would enjoy her rendition. Indeed, they did! All of them did!

Anna sings with all of her heart and soul, which instantly makes her appear to be a superstar. Seeing such brilliance in someone so young is quite uncommon! Anna, go!

In this amazing video, see Anna perform her rendition of “Over the Rainbow” on The Voice Kids.

If you were moved by Anna’s performance, please SHARE this with your friends and family about her. She is a young talent who needs to be recognised!

19 People Who Have Broken All the Laws of Logic

Things are made with a purpose — they have labels to avoid mix-ups, that ready-to-drink juice box has a special spot to be poked with a straw, there are written statements that make a point, and fixable items, so you don’t always have to buy new ones when they break. Yet somehow some people disregard all of these things and prefer to do things in a more roundabout way. They make you question their motives in your head, but to them it’s just another way to do something.

1. Who needs the holes in the roll when you can make your own?

2. Since the tea and coffee got mixed up, let’s just change the labels.

3. Not so secret after all.

4. Irony is when a magazine about the dangers of plastic is wrapped in plastic.

5. Brands are just labels, right?

6. Turns out the sample is the actual size despite the disclaimer.

7. Who knew that a glue stick and clothes pins belong in the cutlery drawer?


8. Because cutting the carpet is easier than cutting the door.

9. Instead of getting a pre-cut piece, someone scooped a piece near the edge.

10. This engraver went the extra mile and engraved the instructions.

11. A hospital was turned into a crime scene.

12. Makes you wonder what the purpose of the label is.

13. Why poke with the straw when you can turn it into a makeshift cup?

14. Hey, whatever works…

15. It’s not practical, but the phone colors pop.

16. Why use the top when you can open it on the side?

17. Solar energy plates being shaded from the sun.

18. Setting a new fashion trend.

19. Fixing a broken clock by placing a new one on top

Which of the pictures above reminds you of what you or someone you know has done before? Can you think of more things that people do that do not make sense? Tag anyone you know who follows their own rules!

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